Thanks for the replies & comparisons,we will spend the night in Santee S.C. and then head to N.C. via 95 north. We plan on taking the Rowland exit to pick up 501 to Hwy 1 then exit onto 501 to go to Pittsboro. The Collie event is in Pittsboro.
This will be a short trip... 3 nights max stay in N.C. then head back home.Has anyone stayed at Goodwins RV Park in Moncure N.C. ? We checked out Jordan Lake SP but we definitely want/need 50 amp service so we can run both ac units and want peace and quiet... no airport noise.
2006 Dodge 3500 DRW SLT 4x4 LB QC CTD PullRite SuperGlide
2007 Mountaineer 336RLT Mich. XPS Ribs Duro Max XP4400E Gen.
2000 Lance 1130 Torklifts/SL/Stainless Generac Gen.
2 Rescued Camping Collies (always ready to go)