Front Living Room
Everytime you want a snack, a drink, have to go to the bathroom it is Down/Up the stairs
Front Kitchen
Everytime you want a drink, a snack etc Up/Down the stairs
Front bedroom....
Only go up there to sleep
I am 6'2" and can walk from backend of 5vr to front bedroom area W/O bumping my head (yes the space above my head in bedroom is LESS)
I can stand in shower W/O height issues
Not sure there is that much difference.
Still have 'basement' and front storage
Side compartments are limited in any floorplan due to slide outs
Is it time for your medication or mine?
2007 DODGE 3500 QC SRW 5.9L CTD In-Bed 'quiet gen'
2007 HitchHiker II 32.5 UKTG 2000W Xantex Inverter
US NAVY------USS Decatur DDG31