Oh, Yuck!!!
There are many exceptions to this, and you may not be able to take advantage of it, but an OP here recently said "If you need a Hand, look at the end of your Arm." I wonder if it's time to get a detailed install instructions from HWH and backtrack every step in the install process. Up when you command Down, for example, can't be much more than some component or connection inverted or reversed.
The comment that the Rear Jacks won't kick to 90* because they can't reach the ground is NONSENSE. The only thing that should happen, given that a jack can't reach the ground, ONCE it's straight down (!!!) is stop extending. Then its "partner" (which would be either the opposite rear jack or the front jack on the same side) would extend till it was maxed out and you'd hear the pump bog down.
We've had two sets of HWH Kickdown jacks. Both sets far older than yours, and both worked, but with similar faults. All too often they extend before they are kicked vertical. Nothing in the way, just the way they get after awhile. The first set had only what I'll call a "main jack" (the one that does the lifting to achieve level) and depended on springs and linkage to get vertical. The newer set has a little supplemental jack on each unit that's supposed to make that process more reliable. Not so much... With both coaches I often have to use an awning rod to help the jack get vertical, and by then it may have extended enough that I can't get a block under it. The block isn't for height, it's for soft surface on the campsite. It seems some Class C coaches can accept "direct acting" jacks which stay vertical all the time. They must have a telescoping piston to get extra extension. I haven't seen them so I don't know.
Still, your situation is somewhere way south of totally unsat. Are you able to do some troubleshooting? Do you have all the Install and Operating instructions? Can you plan a trip to HWH in Moscow Iowa? That doesn't sound outrageously far and they can settle your hash. Have you talked with HWH taking the view these things aren't going to work till they talk you through the corrections?
What type of control do you have? Ours is NOT the "fully automatic." It has lights for the status of each jack (extended or retracted) and a light for Front, Rear, Left, Right of the Coach. I Extend the Jacks for the light that indicates the part the unit says is low. Till that one goes out. Then if another lights, I extend that set. If Front is lit and I command Front Extend, BOTH Front jacks extend. If Left is lit and command Left Extend then Left Front and Left Rear extend. I really don't like that arrangement because in this scenario Right Rear is still Retracted, and I don't get any steadying from it. All I can do then is command Rear Extend and hope the weight on Left Rear causes nothing to happen but Right Rear Extend till it's solidly on the ground. At that point I'm listening for the load on the pump to change and release the switch, hoping the Right Rear hasn't bugged up the level position I just attained. Is this the control system you have?
Your post just oozes frustration and I don't blame you a bit. Be assured, we care and we will try to help. Send a PM if you want to talk and I'll call you.
Just looked at your Profile and see New Member Two Posts. So WELCOME PILGRIM! It WILL get Better.
If God's Your Co-Pilot Move Over, jd
2003 Jayco Escapade 31A on 2002 Ford E450 V10 4R100 218" WB