Wow, something I actually have some first hand experience with.
While I love the compartment/service faucet or outside shower concept, it isn't all that well executed on a lot of rigs. The valve, hose, and shower head on my rig were original and old and checked, and very stiff. I went to use it this fall and I couldn't get the hot side to completly shut off, so I had to replace the whole set up. Looking around I found this.
Amazon Link to exterior shower with coiled hose.There are a couple different version of this for different RV applications, and some color choice.
The coiled hose has a quick release to the faucet. The hose also remains pretty soft in cold weather, run some hot water through it and the hose is very flexible. When done, take the hose off the faucet and put it in a convenient place or compartment. I have two hoses for this faucet, one is for when I'm dumping my tanks and dealing with sewage water, and I have a separate faucet that is kept with my fresh water gear for purposes not related to tank dumping.
If you purchase and install this, it will really give you good utility to that outside shower.
Here is a video of it being installed.
YouTube video.