May-26-2014 06:39 AM
May-30-2014 05:31 AM
May-29-2014 06:13 PM
jdevans22 wrote:
The eletcric motor may have leaver on it to lock the motor. Also our coach has bars that are put in to keep the sldie from moving.
May-29-2014 05:35 PM
May-26-2014 10:44 PM
May-26-2014 07:11 PM
May-26-2014 03:16 PM
May-26-2014 02:13 PM
May-26-2014 11:49 AM
bamaboy473 wrote:Are they saying that the rig needs to be aired up and at ride height in order for the slides to seat properly?
Thanks, guys. The owner's manual provided info that the slide is hydraulic, and operated by the same pump that levels the MH (HTH brand).
(note: I also learned that if my coach sits for a week, then enough air drains that the slide won't extend all the way; giving rise to great fear of having to ask an RV mechanic to make a house call) Running the engine allowed air to build to 125 and the slide engaged properly.
I'm going to fill the reservoir and mark the fill line, then see how it is after another trip we're taking this coming weekend. In the meantime, a couple of scrap 4x4s will now support the slide bottom...just in case.
May-26-2014 11:27 AM
vanzuilekom wrote:
Let me know the year and if the slide mechanics are Power Gear.
If it is then I will send you the fix process as I had this happen as well. Never since the simple fix 2 years ago.
May-26-2014 08:22 AM
bamaboy473 wrote:
lol, you lost me on that one. How does that board keep the bottom of the slide from working "out" of the chassis?
May-26-2014 08:19 AM
bamaboy473 wrote:No, not normal or acceptable. Could stress the slide, leak if it rained, etc.
Is this kind of normal?
May-26-2014 08:14 AM
May-26-2014 08:10 AM
May-26-2014 07:59 AM