I really liked opensignal especially when travelling to identify good sources of internet. Recently the display for the app on my Galaxy S8 was a little funky. Images overlaying etc. The app still functioned but became almost impossible to read. So I thought I would uninstall and re-install. Well apparently it's gone from google play. No information as to why. Seems it's replaced by Meteor which doesn't have nearly the functionality to find a signal that opensignal had. Network cell info lite seems OK but you almost need a PHD to use it. Any suggestions, ideas on something easy to use like opensignal?
I am just finding it hard to believe that there is no competitive alternative. I just need an app that allows me to see towers, direction, signal strength etc, in a given area. I am open to any suggestions.
Do you know somebody close by, that has the App They could back it up as an APK FILE and send it to you, or upload to the cloud for you to download or even put it on a Micro SD card, and you could install from there