Holy smokes! We have a diagnosis--HEMORRHAGIC GASTROENTERITIS!!
Tiki was still pretty droopy this morning,and then he started having bloody diarrhea, the classic "raspberry jam" diarrhea of HGE. I took him back to the vet(3rd time) and they kept him all day for some IV fluids & electrolytes, more IM antibiotics and something for pain. His lab work came in and his PCV was over 60(considered the diagnostic indicator for HGE). Fecal cultures are all negative. His blood sugar was in the low 40s. Yikes!
Well, after 8 hours of intensive treatment I got a whole new doggy back! Tiki is dancing around, wanting to be picked up, licking our faces and demanding tummy rubs(which he did NOT want the last 2 days.) No more vomiting or diarrhea so they let me bring him home. I gave him a little prescription food, just a couple teaspoons and he has done fine with that. He has drunk 2 little bowls of water since he got home. DH is calling him "Sea Biscuit" because he's peeing like a racehorse!
Some things we have learned from this episode:
1) Always listen to my Spidey Senses--I *knew* something wasn't right but it wasnt' obvious at first. I'm really glad I hopped on this quickly. I think this could have ended very badly.
2) Don't give my dog any human food. I dont' give him much, just a dab here and there, a little PB in the old Kong toy, and a rib bone or two, maybe. The vet thinks he may have food allergies which could have contributed to this.
3) Be careful with supplements. I've been putting Shelter Blend ( similar to Rescue Remedy) in his water, a few drops. Didn't know it has brandy in it! That prolly didn't help his stomach.
4) Some vets believe that HGE can be brought on by stress. Tiki was abused and extremely traumatized when we rescued him 4 months ago. Usually, DH or I are home during the day and Tiki goes to doggy daycare 1-2 times a week. We went out of town several times in the last 5 weeks. Usually our DD20 kept him for us, but he did have to board with the groomer a couple times. We were OOT July 4 week and that's when DD noticed him being picky with his food. I have decided that PTSD is something to be respected. It would be far less expensive and enjoyable to just take him with us than to spend over $1000 for 3 days of aggressive vet care!
"Those who dwell...among the beauties and mysteries of the earth are never alone or weary of life."--Rachel Carson, environmentalist, 1956
2009 Ford F250 XL
2006 Dutchmen 25F
Me & DH in non-parenting mode!