Hi Team,
I took advantage of the $1800 offer a month or so ago for the Ground Control leveling System. Now I see RV Parts Superstore just knocked thier price down to $1600 + $50 shipping.
Ground Control Original Sys $1600Thoughts on mine.
1) Really nice kit and had fun installing.
2) Very well made components
3) I like this is manual vice auto-leveling
1) I had one jack motor fail
2) There does seem to be some confusion who should homor the warranty. Lippert or Reicco Titan. I suspect it will get worked out
3) This is kinda an orphoned system and Lippert says they do not stock replacement parts.
No involvement with the folks selling this....just passing on a very good deal...
2011 Monaco Vesta
Interesting Coach
This particular one was the prototype.