Apr-01-2014 10:08 AM
Jul-06-2014 03:28 AM
Jul-05-2014 11:31 PM
Jul-05-2014 08:20 PM
popeyemth wrote:
"CAB FRESH" sold at farm supply stores to keep them out of farm trucks/equipment used seasonally .
Apr-10-2014 09:40 AM
Go Dogs wrote:
I've also made one of those moving, predator silhouettes, like they have at the campgrounds to scare geese. It's a waterproof piece of corrugated cardboard. Cut two pieces in the basic shape of big slinking cat, paint it and make BIG high-vis eyes. Glue an upside down jar between the pieces, and fasten them together, put the jar on a stake in the ground. The wind makes it move. It doesn't have to look all that realistic. The movement and the eyes are what scares the critters.
Apr-09-2014 03:10 PM
Apr-09-2014 01:51 PM
Apr-09-2014 01:25 PM
Apr-07-2014 03:37 PM
Apr-07-2014 03:34 PM
Gonzo42 wrote:
You could stuff the area with Camphor (the active ingredient in moth balls). I hear that repels rodents. If that doesn't do it, you may have to use a ball bearing mouse trap.
Apr-06-2014 06:16 PM
Apr-06-2014 06:27 AM
Apr-05-2014 02:01 PM
Apr-04-2014 05:00 PM
Apr-04-2014 03:13 PM