Ready to upgrade our mattress. Our TT has a full size (60x80) queen mattress but it is super soft. We have lots of extra payload capacity in both the trailer and our TV so weight is not a major concern. However the mattress sits right at the front of the trailer so it will add more hitch weight and I’ll need to take that into account when I pack.
I have read all kinds of articles about mattresses and compared to a house mattress it seems these are the major considerations.
1. Weight (not a concern)
2. Flexibility - make sure it fits in the doorway and can get into the bedroom. Does this rule out an inner spring mattress?
3. Moisture - some mattresses don’t handle the wide swings in moisture found in an RV.
The one thing we need is a mattress on the firm side, and preferably one that the whole thing doesn’t move when one person rolls over. We aren’t big people but we’re used to a king size mattress at home so it’s been poor quality sleeping on this super soft, flimsy, tiny queen mattress that jiggles whenever anyone so much as breathes.
Thanks for any tips.