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Tire blow out

On my trip to Colorado a couple of weeks ago and I had a tire blow out. It was shredded pretty bad. It tore up the wheel well and the underbelly at the rear of the tire. Was wondering how to fix the damage.

I used Flex Tape to fix the underbelly behind the tire that damaged due the shredding of the tire. Was thinking I could also use the Flex Tape to seal up the wheel well in front of the tire as well. Any other suggestions? I realize that would be a temporary fix but I have one more trip scheduled before I can get it in for the real fix.
John R. De Bono
Aurora, TX

I had a blow out on the road that took out my unberbelly enclosed sealed sewage bay. The enclosure is one entire piece that incorporates the tanks. So replacement was not an option.

Luckily it did not rip the actual tanks just the enclosure part for the dump assembly. Which the blown tire sadly did destroy also.

I used turn buckles to bring together the split parts of the plastic walls. Worked so well as a temp fix I have just left it. Turn buckle fix is still going strong 6 years later.

We must be willing to get rid of the life we've planned,
so as to have the life that is waiting for us.