Has anyone every had to manually close the slide on this type of camper? If you have i would like to know the secret,because it looks impossible to get to the motor,
Johno02 wrote:Towing weight is important, but to me, stopping ability is also another very important point. Find out what your brakes (and tires) are rated for. It is really scary to have all 4 tires skidding as a trailer pushes you from behind.Tha...
ok a one ton dully can do the same thing.http://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=rv+rollover+crash+i+40+nm&form=VIRE2&first=1#view=detail&mid=BDA277AF68337514F287BDA277AF68337514F287
djbogue wrote:We are thinking of going to Brown County State Park in Indiana. Can someone tell me how is the best way to get to the park. Will be coming from the west on I-74. Would you take I-74 to I-65 to Rt 46 or I-74 to Rt 231 to Rt 46. Thanks.Th...
uscgcolletti wrote:Yes if its like my 2012 Passport, you should have a bendable extention to attach to a drill. The motor is in the over heard center area.Atleast mine is i can get to the motor,its after you start to bring it in i would need 3' arms...