Hi, I unfortunately hit a metal awning and made divots in my epdm room in a line 24 foot long. I was thinking of using eternabond 6 inch x 50 (only using about 24 foot of it to repair (cover the divots) Anyone have experience with this?
jstuhlmiller wrote:Bumpyroad wrote:jstuhlmiller wrote: What do you mean if you saw a used unit patched up with scotch tape? Are you referring to the Eternabond? I just dont want to replace the whole roof as it is an expensive proposition at almost $6...
Bumpyroad wrote:jstuhlmiller wrote: What do you mean if you saw a used unit patched up with scotch tape? Are you referring to the Eternabond? I just dont want to replace the whole roof as it is an expensive proposition at almost $6,000 however I also...
Bumpyroad wrote:darsben wrote:being a contrarian I guess my choice would beDicor 533RM-6 Epdm Roof Patch which is Epdm materialhttp://www.ebay.com/sch/i.html?_from=R40_trksid=p2050601.m570.l1313.TR0.TRC0.H0.TRS0_nkw=Dicor+533RM-6+Epdm+Roof+Patch&_sac...