I live in Penasco fulltime now and prefer it over San Felipe which is too quiet for me. Lots of restaurants and activities here in Penasco and two active singles clubs. There are three large RV parks here, all on the beach. Each has there own pros...
Both Dish and Directv work well here in Penasco. Just don't tell them you are in Mexico as they are not licensed here. Burrito Express goes to the Lukeville post office at the border three days a week, MWF. Mail can take an extra day to and from Lu...
Playa de Oro (http://www.playadeoro-rv.com/)on the other side of town in the Mirador neighborhood is also right on the beach and within walking distance of numerous restaurants. It is also within walking distance of the Malecon for anyone in reasonab...
I live at Playa de Oro on the other side of Penasco. The Reef is still open. Nothing has started out there yet. They had drilling platforms out there last spring getting core samples from the ocean floor. Here is a Facebook page that has info: h...