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Bypass around Tepic

We heard a report first hand today about a Newly Opened By Pass around the East Side of Tepic!

Also there are some other New Roads in the Area including an Autopista from Tepic to San Blas and another to Puerto Vallarta! These are all branches that head off from Mexico 15D!

If Only We could get to Tomatlan and Melaque on a decent road and avoid PV completely!
Rob & Jean
98 Dutch Star Diesel Pusher ..07 Honda CRV AWD

Ive been Off Line for a few Days coming Home ,Glad that You folks figured it out!
Rob & Jean
98 Dutch Star Diesel Pusher ..07 Honda CRV AWD

I was going to post what a friend sent yesterday but I see that Talleyho69 and I have the same friends :-). Great folks!

BTW: Google Maps shows it and routes you on it.
Hickory, NC
2007 Fleetwood Discovery 40X

Friends took it yesterday, heading north from Patzcuaro. Here's what they said:

"You are correct, the bypass will not be good for Los Pinos, it's a beautiful road and a complete bypass of Tepic. No Pemex,one or two between Mazatlan and Guadalajara. We will spend one more day (Mazatlan) here then head to mochis. I guess we will be at the Chinese restaurant. I am not sure if the road to San Blas has seen any improvements but at the cutoff the mileage to SB was only 25 miles."

Yes, new. It didn't look open yet when we went by March 14, but close. Toll booths in place but not in use.

Somehow I got the idea this new libramiento went to the south and west around Tepic. So the map I posted shows from Google shows a new libramiento looping more to the north. People were talking about routes to the coast so I was thinking coast side. I never thought going on 15D through Tepic was a big deal - not a problem. The new big loop to the south of Guadalajara will be a much bigger help. When we were in Mexico people spoke of a new route to the coast if you are coming from the east - cuts over to the Campostela cuota from near Jala but we have not been on it - maybe not new?

Could be. However where it rejoins 15 it goes under and heads toward San Blas. That looked almost complete March 14 when we went by.

Could this be the new libramiento sort of southeast loop to northwest loop - to the north of Tepic? I keep forgetting to look on Google Maps.

Heading north, the bypass takes off of the toll road a few miles before Tepic, and does a half circle around the east side of the city. It rejoins the toll road part way down the mountain, north of town, where there is a new road heading toward San Blas. Don't know if that is open, or where it comes out.
Does this help?

Sorry but I really cannot figure out exactly what road you are talking about - going from where to where? Starts and ends? Can you be more specific? Goes north or south? Are you talking about going through Campostella? I know you say it is a new road so probably not on the map but can you try to explain what you are talking about a little better? I need to visualize. I am looking at maps and on Google Earth and still have no idea what you mean. Thanks for any help.

The TEPIC Bypass is Open it takes You around the EAST side of Tepic!
Rob & Jean
98 Dutch Star Diesel Pusher ..07 Honda CRV AWD

We reported on this road in November, and when we passed through March 16, it wasn't open yet, and looked like it needed a LITTLE more work.
South of Tepic, there was a right that was an autopista to San Blas.
On the left side of the road, (going south) was a continuation of that road. Well past Tepic on the toll road was a new interchange, that again, wasn't open or complete. March 16 that appeared to be where a bypass would rejoin the toll road.
We like staying in Tepic, so won't be using the bypass, but it will be a great thing for others, when it opens.

Looks as though there may be a better road on the way to Puerto Vallarta (there are already 2 or 3 that do not go as far as Tepic) but we haven't yet heard information about a good road past PV. This is a difficult area because of the mountains that rise around the southern area of that city. The road to San Sebastien is accessed somewhere near the airport, to go east where it leads one to the Guadaljara region via a connection to Hwy 80. That stretch of road is very steep in places and prone to slide activity in wet weather, so not really a logical route to replace Hwy 200, plus, you'd still have to deal with some of PV's traffic.

I can see what you're looking for Robathelake, more of a straight shoot off Hwy 15 that arrives on the Costa Alegra, no cities to go near.

With the grand expectation of the new airport being completed south of Tomatlan, and nearly all the fine beaches now "spoken for" to the exclusion of folks driving on Mexico 200, the area is "slated" to become a big, Fly- In destination. Of course, Melaque is closer to La Manzanillo airport, but if flying in to the north, what hope would there be for tourists to leave their hotels. We saw first hand the difficulty visitors to Blue Bay resort always had to see the towns to the south, like Barra de Navidad.

The route we would take always missed Guad,(and PV of course) on our way to Villa Corona while traveling southeast. These are secondary roads you share with the trucks carrying sugar cane and the like, very rural, miles away from the big city of Guad. Continuing after our short stay near Villa Corona, we would join the route to Colima, still missing Guadalajara. Only once, when we were headed for Ontario and Quebec did we get close to Guad with our rig, because we needed to take the existing periferico to access the road to Zacatecas, and beyond. That time one really needed to pay attention as to where our road north left the bypass road. I think only a fool would drive right through the big city (although we were on the coast one year and drove through the Malecon at Puerto Vallarta).

I am a little confused by the wording. You say bypass around Tepic and east of Tepic and speak of Guadalajara and Puerto Vallarta? I recently started a thread about the new Guadalajara bypass but am not sure if that is what you mean . . . . . . Depends on where you come from and where you want to go. You could take this road to hook up with 54D down to Manzanillo and then up to Melaque etc. Would this be what you are asking about? The road is making progress but no one seems to know official opening date. There are lots of new roads being built or upgraded all over Mexico and I was recently on an SCT website or other MX gov't site where I did see some new roads mapped. How to get to that website now I forget. We have been on 200 north and south of Puerto Vallarta but never been to Puerto Vallarta so don't know that area - down to Lo de Marcos - and up to Perula from Manzanillo. There is also a sort of bypass from Tala I think to Campostela someone told us about but that probably isn't what you mean. Maybe you can clarify what you mean with your question - what route do you want to take and where are you coming from and where are you going etc.?