Jun-06-2022 09:03 AM
Jun-07-2022 10:04 AM
Jun-07-2022 09:15 AM
valhalla360 wrote:Trackrig wrote:
The last couple of years there have been a lot of commercial solar installs going in both on buildings and out in the bush to save money from running the diesel generators. I'm not a green person by any stretch of the imagination, but yes there is a lot of solar power here and I like to see it because once it's paid for, it's almost free electricity from there on.
I just received my 400W solar kit for my TT. Installation starts next week and two more 6V batteries.
Solar will work in the summer but the initial implication that you will meet or exceed daily output compared to down south is false.
Who said we would exceed solar collection down south? I just said there is plenty of solar here to make it worthwhile. It's especially worthwhile for the summer tourism industry that does their main business during the summer.
Some one in AZ may get by with 200W, so I put 400W on my RV and will do just fine. Besides, how many people use their RV in the middle of winter well below zero. A few, but not many.
Permanent installations only work if they are heavily subsidized but that's often true down south...as someone else mentioned, solar needs basically 100% backup from traditional sources and those costs are rarely if ever considered when you hear about solar costs.
Jun-07-2022 07:26 AM
Jun-07-2022 07:17 AM
Trackrig wrote:
The last couple of years there have been a lot of commercial solar installs going in both on buildings and out in the bush to save money from running the diesel generators. I'm not a green person by any stretch of the imagination, but yes there is a lot of solar power here and I like to see it because once it's paid for, it's almost free electricity from there on.
I just received my 400W solar kit for my TT. Installation starts next week and two more 6V batteries.
Jun-07-2022 06:47 AM
Jun-07-2022 06:31 AM
Jun-06-2022 09:29 PM
Jun-06-2022 01:51 PM
Jun-06-2022 12:56 PM
#1Flyboy wrote:
Get SOLAR!… Lots of FREE ENERGY up here with the very long days!
Jun-06-2022 12:53 PM
Jun-06-2022 11:47 AM