The @#$%^&! "Ripple Effect" All of Michoacan has it's roots in tourism. When tourism is down, locals get laid off from jobs at bottling plants, service oriented businesses, restaurants, you name it. Then none of them can afford to go to the beach. I will not get into the and I mean ONE ROOT of why this problem is happening all over Mexico. Please do not respond to this blurt, out of frustration I just had to let off steam.
Sadly the hotel and campground are for all intents and purposes CLOSED. The Canadian owner "decided" it was making so much money she installed a local girl and her husband to operate the place and they do not speak English. The Canucka took half the money for herself and the place literally disintegrated. No water, no power most of the time. I was using the income for maintenance plus supporting it with half my pension. It was growing. People loved the place, the area, and the people. Nothing like having an RV'er run an RV Park. After I get my spine operated on I am heading back. I will be operating an RV electrical (only) repair facility, begging pardon that getting parts is no simple deal but through the right connections getting parts through DHL (whew the cost) without paying duty will be possible.
Jesus, Brenda and the Nietas operate ENRAMADA BETY down on the beach. It is an extrememly short stroll from the village (Absolutely safe to park and lock up). Walk down to the concrete parking area (once again impossible to get lost) across the parking area to the steep ramp down to the beach and go to the LAST palm frond restaurant in the row of them. Brenda is if you will remember, a fabulous chef, and Jesรบs is a licensed lobster and oyster fisherman. The food is outrageous, and the prices are a bargain. PS Brenda is addicted to any spare bottles of perfume an RV'er may offer.
Give a hug to my grandkids, Plilar 13, Dalia 9, and little Hermelinda 4. Mention "dah-VEED" and all will become instantly clear. Ask Jesรบs if there is a place to boondock CAMPING? for the night. It would be free, and bet your butt, safe. Free showers at the enramada.