I don't know about any specific festival websites but the ones I know of, not necessarily have been to are the following:( not necessarily in order)
Brigus Blueberry festival- usually around second week in August
Cupids Soirรฉe- the weekend after Brigus
Lewisporte Mussel bed Soirรฉe- this is usually around the same weekend as Brigus
Grand Falls/Windsor- Salmon festival, usually near the end of July
Fogo Isalnd also has an art festival- not sure of the dates though. Fogo and Twilingate are alo known for their icebergs in early summer. They are part of an area known as Iceberg Alley.
Outside of Newfoundland check out the Cavendish beach festival in PEI.
I know of a few people who spend all summer travelling around Newfoundalnd just visiting local festivals. Many are small local affairs but still do a good job organizing.
The Salmon Fest usually has really big names. last year they had the Eagles as headliners, the year before was KISS.
If you want to visit find out where you want to go, then google the town. The local Fest will usually be listed what dates it will be.
Anyone wishing to come to view icebergs look up Iceberg Alley. There is a map and a gallery of past icebergs, on the iceberg finder website.