May-18-2018 06:51 PM
May-20-2018 09:43 AM
TXiceman wrote:Thanks Ken, I too thought that this might be the problem, but after I found the amplifier, it was turned on. Still zero results.
The Jack antenna is not as good as the old Wineguard Batwing with the Wingman attachment. Two things hold true...more metal higher in the air for better reception.
As noted, make sure you have the amplifier is on, and the TV source is set for TV, Off Air or antenna, point in the general direction of the TV station antennas and scan.
May-20-2018 09:40 AM
ScottG wrote:We have not checked this yet. I will do this soon. Thanks for the suggestion
This is s stretch but on our last TT they cut all the shielding off the cable ends and just jammed them into the connectors.
So you might check the continuity of both the shield and center conductor.
May-19-2018 12:12 PM
May-19-2018 11:04 AM
May-19-2018 08:35 AM
ScottG wrote:
This is s stretch but on our last TT they cut all the shielding off the cable ends and just jammed them into the connectors.
So you might check the continuity of both the shield and center conductor.
May-19-2018 07:20 AM
May-18-2018 09:37 PM
May-18-2018 08:36 PM
MFL wrote:
The Jack is a good antenna, something is wrong. Is the light lit red on the antenna itself, showing that it is receiving 12 volt power?
Could be the tv itself, most do not come with top quality unit.
May-18-2018 07:42 PM
May-18-2018 07:31 PM
May-18-2018 07:07 PM