Jul-15-2018 08:05 PM
Jul-16-2018 06:40 AM
Jul-16-2018 06:32 AM
Jul-16-2018 05:29 AM
Jul-16-2018 05:22 AM
Jul-16-2018 05:21 AM
Jul-16-2018 05:02 AM
Jul-16-2018 04:59 AM
Mandalay Parr wrote:
I’m an engineer and not aware of any such formula.
Jul-16-2018 04:51 AM
howardwheeler wrote:
I’m also concerned about how the tail swings out, but I guess I’m going to have to just guesstimate.
Jul-16-2018 04:17 AM
Jul-16-2018 02:53 AM
tippytoe wrote:
This might help: https://truckscience.com/turning-circle-calculator/?gclid=EAIaIQobChMIn8jTmIKj3AIVA8-yCh2yPgI8EAMYASAAEgJNnfD_BwE
Jul-15-2018 11:46 PM
Jul-15-2018 10:27 PM
Jul-15-2018 09:17 PM
Jul-15-2018 08:48 PM