Nov-15-2021 05:20 PM
Nov-21-2021 03:30 PM
goducks10 wrote:
Is this yours?
Nov-17-2021 06:37 AM
Nov-16-2021 07:34 PM
Nov-16-2021 02:49 PM
philh wrote:Cummins12V98 wrote:
Truly sad you are sent away not knowing how to hitch and unhitch you’re RV.
I am sure there are good YouTube videos that match your system.
Dealership showed me how to manually raise and lower the legs, but did not explain some of the automated menu items.
In defense of the dealership, we spent almost 45 minutes straightening out the cable/satellite hookups. Factory had miswired it, and it was only because I didn't understand the labels or their explanation, they started tracing wires.
Nov-16-2021 02:43 PM
Nov-16-2021 01:21 PM
Cummins12V98 wrote:
Truly sad you are sent away not knowing how to hitch and unhitch you’re RV.
I am sure there are good YouTube videos that match your system.
Nov-16-2021 01:17 PM
goducks10 wrote:
Is this yours?
Nov-16-2021 12:30 PM
goducks10 wrote:
Is this yours?
Nov-16-2021 10:59 AM
Nov-16-2021 09:48 AM
Nov-16-2021 04:00 AM
Nov-15-2021 10:42 PM
Nov-15-2021 09:59 PM
Nov-15-2021 07:15 PM
philh wrote:
Artic Fox 27-5L.
Two inch stack of manuals, and this one is missing 😞 I remember the dealer telling me there is a button I can push to set the hitch height. Looking at the control panel didn't help much, so I manually lifted it until it was about 1" below hitch height. What am I missing.
On another note, backing up a 5th wheel is nothing like a bumper hitch! I can back a bumper pull through a slalom course with my eyes closed. With a the 5er, I truly suck. Doesn't help I don't have the camera set up yet.