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RV Tourism in Mexico

Every season there are posters who think that this year RV tourism is increasing. As much as we would all like to think it is recovering the truth is it sucks! Today, El Imparcial has an article on the loss of trailer parks in San Carlos. There are quotes from the Tourist and Convention people with statistics. They used to have a thousand RV tourists in SC. Now it is maybe 150. Kino is very similar. They also mention that the RV'rs would return every year and eventually buy a house. The article also mentions the impact on the local economy. I can remember when you needed a reservation to get a spot in Kino. Not now. According to that article they blame the perception of insecurity.

196 REPLIES 196

I usually stay out of the swamp, but get a chuckle when I see people posting how there going to skip mx for the safety of AZ, NMex.It was about three years ago when 3 inmates of a state pen in Kingmen escaped with the aid of a female cousin who were lovers and killed a wife and husband in there motorhome in NMex and left in the toad.I choose to live in the Southwest but daily the news from Albq,Tucson,Phnx can be eyeball poppin. As the well worn clichรฉ goes "don't be lulled into a false sense of security" evil never takes a siesta. This topic has been a real buzz kill. See those of you who getit down the Gringotanango trail. To waste your time trying to persude the Mx bashers is like blowin bubbles against a wall.

Explorer II
Explorer II

You have a valid point. I have loved this place for over 30 years, I was introduced to Mexico by my dad when I was 9 years old. I have a picture of all of us in Tijuana. My dad always promised to take me fishing in this magical place called Guaymas, he said he would do that if nothing came undone. This was a special thing for me as I was one of 9 kids and in the middle so it was a big deal to me. I wanted to go.

I was 14 when my dad died, he was 46. Things came undone. We didn't get to go.

I cried the first time I saw the sign outside of Guaymas. It is a special place for me. My wife and I are going to be there Sunday with a group of 16 Thankfully I married a kindred spirit who likes to go with me places all the time. We travel a lot, we love being here a lot. We get upset when someone calls her (Mexico) names. This is our place. Mexico is my mistress of sorts.

I work closely with the RV community. I hear the stories that are told at the afternoon happy hour. I laugh sometimes at the outlandish lies being told about my girl. Lies that are passed on to one another as the booze flows.

I have a full schedule of RV caravans coming down to Mexico Lite next year, although I do not run the caravan I act as a liaison for the caravan companies that hire me to insure that everybody has a great time. I love my job. I am grateful I get to do this. I am a self appointed quality control guy. Everyone that has come here or traveled with us anywhere in Mexico is very happy.

My awesome wife and I will be representing the State of Sonora with a focus on RV travel next January at Q, I invite anybody on this forum to stop by and see us, learn something new, experience something different and maybe, just maybe come away with a broader view. Almost everyone loves adventure, everyone loves having a great time. Let's see what we can do for whomever stops by.

Thank you again for your message. It was thought provoking, it was spot on. Maybe just maybe someday in the future I will see things that way too.......but right now the party is just beginning for us in Mexico!

Viva Mexico!
Russ Black
011-521-638-113-4591 Cell Phone
Puerto Penasco, Sonora

mexicoruss wrote:
Well then I guess I better cancel all of my upcoming road trips with my clients, to Alamos, Guerrero Negro Baja, Los Mochis and the Copper Canyon, Chihuahu City, etc because the Government warned me.....The general consul in Nogales told me that these warnings are written to the lowest common denominator of travelers.

Russ... you live in Mexico (or Mexico, light, anyway). Speak Spanish. Have friends and relatives there. Have been there for years. You're certainly not the average RVer who is reading this forum with thoughts of trying Mexico out. As I said once before, if you understand the culture you can mitigate the risks.You, and some others, understand the culture...

I lived and worked in Mexico, have a son born in Guaymas, and speak Spanish fluently. But it's been over 30 years since I've spent time in Mexico and I'm 71 now. I look more like a victim now than I did then. And I don't have family in Mexico or friends who can mobilize a small group to come help.

Ten years ago I would have been on your side... but I'm seeing the other side now. And I'm not so sure you're qualified to advise them on how safe it is down there. I think you see it through different eyes.


wa_desert_rat wrote:
You can believe what you like... but when the U.S. Dept. of State issues travel warnings it's because their consular officers - who LIVE in that country and who deal with people who have had problems as part of their every-day jobs report back to headquarters in D.C. and, as a result, we get this: "The U.S. Department of State warns U.S. citizens about the risk of traveling to certain places in Mexico due to threats to safety and security posed by organized criminal groups in the country."

You might wonder, "what places?" And the report goes on to say that it could happen anywhere.

Now you can parse out some sentences in that to make it look better and they have to be "diplomatic" after all, but in stark contrast - despite the attempts of some on this forum to make it appear that travel in the USA is no better - the Government of Canada, in its advisory to Canadian citizens contemplating travel into the USA simply says this:

"There is no nationwide advisory in effect for the United States (U.S.). Exercise normal security precautions."

But for travel into Mexico the Government of Canada says this: "MEXICO - Exercise a high degree of caution" and goes on to say: "Due to high levels of organized crime in rural areas, including on major highways, you should exercise extreme caution in the states of Baja California (North), Morelos, Nayarit, Jalisco, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz, and Zacatecas."

It's worth noting that it's "extreme caution" for the places they named and just "high degree" of caution everywhere else.

Figure it out.

If you can get into Baja California, Sur you're pretty safe, I think. Probably not easy to run drugs up the Baja what with ferries and only one highway and all.

Nevertheless, it's not Tucson. And I think boondocking is out...


I think it's always wise to be aware of travel advisories but I think you also have to take them with a grain of salt. Stats for murder rate in Washington DC are much higher than Mexico City. Other US cities are even higher. It wouldn't stop me from seeing either one of the capitals but I think one has to dig a little deeper than just travel advisories. I think Canada needs to consider adding cities like Baltimore, Washington, New Orleans etc to their travel advisories. It would give a more balanced and reliable global picture.
2003 Revolution 40C Class A. Electric smart car as a Toad on a smart car trailer
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but rather by the moments that take our breath away.

Explorer II
Explorer II
Well then I guess I better cancel all of my upcoming road trips with my clients, to Alamos, Guerrero Negro Baja, Los Mochis and the Copper Canyon, Chihuahu City, etc because the Government warned me.....The general consul in Nogales told me that these warnings are written to the lowest common denominator of travelers. This type of traveler would get in trouble going almost anywhere. He likened it to telling your kids to look both ways when crossing the street, but that's OK, you also can believe what you want to believe.

Mexico does not limit or scare it's travelers with warnings. When there was a mass shooting in Tucson a few years ago, one that took the lives of 6-7 and almost killed Gabby Giffords and injured some 20 others, I guess they should have told the weekenders that live in Hermosillo Sonora not to go to Tucson because of the massive violence. They didn't because this violence was very likely not to involve their shopping plans.

On second thought I think I will go ahead with my road trips as planned. Thanks for the warning.
Russ Black
011-521-638-113-4591 Cell Phone
Puerto Penasco, Sonora

You can believe what you like... but when the U.S. Dept. of State issues travel warnings it's because their consular officers - who LIVE in that country and who deal with people who have had problems as part of their every-day jobs report back to headquarters in D.C. and, as a result, we get this: "The U.S. Department of State warns U.S. citizens about the risk of traveling to certain places in Mexico due to threats to safety and security posed by organized criminal groups in the country."

You might wonder, "what places?" And the report goes on to say that it could happen anywhere.

Now you can parse out some sentences in that to make it look better and they have to be "diplomatic" after all, but in stark contrast - despite the attempts of some on this forum to make it appear that travel in the USA is no better - the Government of Canada, in its advisory to Canadian citizens contemplating travel into the USA simply says this:

"There is no nationwide advisory in effect for the United States (U.S.). Exercise normal security precautions."

But for travel into Mexico the Government of Canada says this: "MEXICO - Exercise a high degree of caution" and goes on to say: "Due to high levels of organized crime in rural areas, including on major highways, you should exercise extreme caution in the states of Baja California (North), Morelos, Nayarit, Jalisco, San Luis Potosi, Veracruz, and Zacatecas."

It's worth noting that it's "extreme caution" for the places they named and just "high degree" of caution everywhere else.

Figure it out.

If you can get into Baja California, Sur you're pretty safe, I think. Probably not easy to run drugs up the Baja what with ferries and only one highway and all.

Nevertheless, it's not Tucson. And I think boondocking is out...


Explorer II
Explorer II
I believe every government on earth is corrupt, I think that people who do not believe so are silly. As far as police....I have been pulled over several times (5-6 times I think)in my 9 years here and with exception of one on the way to Tijuana, I fought them in the court and won. The one in Tijuana I paid at the police station. People who support the bribery system I find silly too. If you receive a ticket in Mexico and you did the deed, you can pay it at the police station nearest to your infraction activity, if you do it within 24 hours the fine is cut in half.

I live on a dirt street, my next door neighbor is an open air mechanic who works on all my cars and vans. Almost all my neighbors are Mexican, there are a few gringos here and there but this is not a gated community, when I want to go to an event downtown with my wife I walk out in front of my house and a taxi will pick us up 9 out of 10 times within 5 minutes. I live in a very nice house about 2400 sq feet, my yearly taxes are about 50.00 usd, 600 pesos. I have not had a house payment in 9 years nor a car payment as we pay cash for almost everything. Because we have no debt we are able to save money for all purchases. I don't own a pair of rose colored glasses, I simply refuse to believe what your media teaches you to believe as I am here on the ground along with 65000 others in our little paradise of "mexico lite" a term you will understand.

If you ever took the time to find out the truth about this subject instead of believing the horror stories that you believe affect you, you would probably be a happier person. Bad things happen everywhere, most don't involve you. I guarantee I could get into trouble if I wanted to, I prefer not to.

Thanks for asking your questions though, I appreciate being able to answer them honestly for you. I hope this helps in some small way.
Russ Black
011-521-638-113-4591 Cell Phone
Puerto Penasco, Sonora

mexicoruss wrote:
People watch too much TV, the internet makes the spread of news and happenings instantly. Poor viewers think that it is made to make them aware, but all it does is scare them. Fear is the most powerful force in controlling people. It's a shame really, people used to be a little more free in their thinking and they did things because they wanted to. Now because of the mind bending power of all the media they take in, they don't think for themselves they want to be told how to live, what to buy, what to do etc.
Travel is the best thing you can do in your life. Seeing how other people live and work is mind broadening - not mind shrinking like sitting in front of the TV watching news alerts. Get out and do something

Do you believe there is corruption in your government? Do you believe your Police accept bribes? Do you believe this? Or, because your living in the country are you seeing things through rose colored glasses? Do you live in a gated community?

Explorer II
Explorer II
Exactly what is it that you believe? Are we still talking about the decrease in RVs traveling into Mexico?
Do you really believe that just because we don't travel in our RV into Mexico that we stay penned up in our house? Do you really believe that we live in fear?
Actually, we all do what we like to do,.....if we can afford it. Actually, I do NOT even question why you don't do the things I do.
"Everyone to their own poison".
And if we want to share our experience, that's fine. I might enjoy reading about it. Thanks
Willie & Betty Sue
Miko & Sparky
2003 41 ft Dutch Star Diesel Pusher/Spartan
Floorplan 4010
Blazer toad & Ranger bassboat

Explorer II
Explorer II
People watch too much TV, the internet makes the spread of news and happenings instantly. Poor viewers think that it is made to make them aware, but all it does is scare them. Fear is the most powerful force in controlling people. It's a shame really, people used to be a little more free in their thinking and they did things because they wanted to. Now because of the mind bending power of all the media they take in, they don't think for themselves they want to be told how to live, what to buy, what to do etc.
Travel is the best thing you can do in your life. Seeing how other people live and work is mind broadening - not mind shrinking like sitting in front of the TV watching news alerts. Get out and do something
Russ Black
011-521-638-113-4591 Cell Phone
Puerto Penasco, Sonora

The more we hear about bad news, the more people get scared, but what is the reality? Do we hear that RViers are getting killed or attack? Less RVing in Mexico might just be a combination of bad news and because Mexico RV golden years are over. People like their comfort and are more and more cocooning in the home/country they know better and can choose what is secure for them.

I was living in Montreal in the 70's when the FLQ was tring to take over, we had the army to secure the town, the army passed on my street with their trucks and military armed vehicle. I never felt in any danger, it was scary on the TV, but not in reality. Two inches of snow fall here now and people go nuts if it is not all plowed and salted within the hour, what the hell, we had feets of snow before on the roads and it was just a fun chanlenge with our rear wheel cars and winter tires only on the rear! Everything is getting very cocooning.

What about all the people that live in gated and even guarded communities, Mexico or USA, is it because crime rate is going down or up? Is it because their town is the safest place to be? I think more and more people are just getting paranoid and cannot make a reasonable judjement call because all they hear is bad news flowing from eveywhere. Why are they choosing this type of security? Remove the gates and fences and see what happens.
Monaco Cayman 34 2003, Cummins 300HP
Bigfoot 2008, 10.4, F350, 2006, Diesel 6.0, Black, 4x4, long box, Air lift, Rancho 9000, Rear sway bar.

briansue wrote:

Been to these plus many more....quess i have seen it all need to go back. Thanks for the heads up.
2008 Discovery 40X towing a Jeep Grand Cherokee

Good luck to you. The drug cartels are everywhere. Ive been to Acapulco and now they said hotels are at 20% occupancy and no one is on the beach. I like to travel and not worry. I would be nervous in Mexico unless we had a heavily armed security team with us. Just not worth making the papers
John, Lisa & Tara:B:C:)
2015 F250 4x4 6.2L 6 spd 3.73s, CC Short Bed, Pullrite Slide 2700, 648 Wts Solar, 4 T-125s, 2000 Watt Xantrax Inverter, Trimetric 2030 Meter, LED Lights, Hawkings Smart Repeater, Wilson Extreme Cellular Repeater, Beer, Ribs, Smoker


Keep drinking Bob Jones juice and reading Google.
