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Older Rv Looking For Parts for Repairs

My Husband & I have an 1989 Holiday Rambler(We Inherited it)& Are very Happy that we have it, Its Still in very Good Condition we have had it now for 2yrs & Since we've been using it, we are seeing Minor things that are in need of fixing(trying to catch them while its small, so Not to become Bigger or worse!)But, Searching for Parts & Finding them Are VERY VERY Hard to do! Some! I have found on Ebay, Some thru Amazon! But Other Parts that I REALLY Need, I Caint Seem to find them Anywhere! my Local places for RV's don't seem to carry or Caint get them themselves! So at this point I'm in now, is just STUCK!! If ANYONE knows where I can find & order I would be greatly Appreciative! Thanks!

NW Rv Supply and Ebay are good sources I have found. Just ordered two replacement dash defroster vents from NW for my '95 rig.
95 CC Magna, Jeep GC

If your outside light looks like this then you're out of luck. They don't make a lens cover for it anymore. At least that's what I've been told by several parts sources. To bad too, I like the fixture and would love to repair mine.

Autoboss Rv is name i have heard a lot and they have there online shop too,thus if possible visit there site i hope you will get positive response from them.

Brownlee7467 wrote:
no luck on posting pic!! should be easier than this!

Which tutorial did you use and at which point did it not work?
1998 bounder 36s V10 F53

no luck on posting pic!! should be easier than this!

I guess IF, I could I would like to stay with the Original parts, I Really Like the way that My Holiday Rambler Looks.. & My Parents MH is more of the Newer type, & the way that some of the fixtures are , Really dont impress me as much as the Older MH's(like my MH looks) so "IF" I can , I would like to find the fixture just the same as I have, Now with that said! I know!! that sometimes that isnt possible, so If all else Fails! then YES! I will (I guess you can say) Upgrade to a Newer Fixture! & Thank You " Wny_Pat" for the How To of Pic upload... Now lets see If I can..! As I WISH I was as Crafty as some of you are! it would be great to be able to just MAKE what I needed! But I Am NOT! So.. I'll have to Buy the Pieces & Then I CAN put them On Myself( at least I can Feel like I did at least do that much).. Thank Yall All so very much for the Welcomes & all the Imput & Advice! It's Help Greatly! Hope that in the Future I am Able to do the Same!!

Yours is relatively new! See my signature. As others have stated, sometimes you have to make a decision as to staying OEM or replacing with a newer item. I have done both.

Plastic is a problem, good luck.
Gas to Diesel Conversion project
76 FMC #1046, Gas Pusher became a Diesel Pusher
Discussion thread on this site
"You're never too old to learn something stupid."

You may end up having to replace the entire handle just due to a cracking plastic light cover. It might not be such a bad thing though.
1998 bounder 36s V10 F53

Brownlee7467 wrote:
Still havent fig out how to post Pic's! & as Soon as I find a model # I will post it as well!

You post them to photo hosting sites such as Photobucket, Picasa, Sutterfly or Flicker. And then you pick up the image address and transfer it to your post here using the image button above the text box (the box that looks like a mountain on a post card). You can find various tutorials here: RV.Net Tutorials and Picture related FAQ'sin the Forum Technical Support Discussion Area.
“All journeys have secret destinations of which the traveler is unaware.”

Explorer II
Explorer II
Welcome the world of much loved senior coaches.

Fortunately, you will find that there are very few manufacturer specific parts in the coach itself. Remember that the coach and the chassis were separate parts put together at HR. Most of the coach parts are still available. For those that are not, there are usually suitable replacements available. As an example, most of the light fixtures in our favorite coach were plastic and have died of the old plastic disease. I just found others to put in the place. This is continuing as I write because I am also changing many that we use most to LED. If it doesn't cover the hold, use something to cover the hole and the mount the new piece to the hole cover.

There are HR groups on other forums.

Word Of Advice (Free advice is often not worth the price) ...
Get all the service documentation and parts lists for the chassis and all the components that you can. You many be able to download many from the web, you may have to buy some and they will seem expensive - until you need them. If you have those onboard and something needs work that you can't do, you can very possibly find a wrench that can read and he may be able to get you going again. Don't even count on finding an RV shop that knows about your rig.

Matt & Mary Colie
A sailor, his bride and their black dogs (one dear dog is waiting for us at the bridge) going to see some dry places that have Geocaches in a coach made the year we married.

Explorer III
Explorer III
My MH is 18 years old. My thought's are if something broke or is deteriorated why replace it with the same part. So some parts like the broken plastic vents on the dash I replaced with wood that won't crack. Plastic latches were replaced with metal. I replaced the broken pot metal basement latches with steel that I made. I think with basic hand tools and a grinder you can replace most stuff on the MH. Universal parts are readily available also. So far the only thing that I could not find a part for was a burner tube that was rusted out but I was able to make a slider that I could adjust the flame like on a water heater. Engine parts for a 454 or 460 are readily available at Napa or other parts stores. Front end parts took a little more research to find. Those that I could not find in a parts store I found on Henderson's web site. Finally if you can't find parts or make yourself you can always post what you are looking for here and someone usually has a creative solution.

Thank You All for The Help & Great Advice, & As for Local Dealers .... unfortunately in my area there arent many RV dealers,& the ones we do have, Ive already dealt with them! & as for the rest they are About 1hr to 1hr 1/2 away!... I forget about those sites(I will tag them in my Fav list so I wont forget for the next time) But Im Not One to Give Up! So Searching I go! .... Still havent fig out how to post Pic's! & as Soon as I find a model # I will post it as well!

Some folks gave me Dyers RV as a source. I was just able to order the overhead hinges and latches for the 2 doors over our heads in the front, also several other latches and catches. I just ordered them. I also am trying 2 new latches for baydoors, its says Fleetwood, we shall see.

Mine is a 1992 American Eagle, also for me Fleetwood has a lot of items for it.
I even found a new lit grab handle that said American Eagle on it online. Hubby had to shave the top of it a bit to fit, but fit it did.

I am currently rebuilding a 70's model TC... I would suggest for any lights, just replacing the ENTIRE light. Old covers/lids etc... are either too hard to come by or just as cheap to replace. It might be a good opportunity to switch over to LED lights.