so as above many consider a class B to be a van chassis with a cap.
and a "box" added ontop of a chassis with a van front to be a C...
these definitions can be a moving target and may vary by Jurisdiction ( DMV/ DOT)
I have a Pleasure Way B, it is a 2006 ( on 2005 Chev chassis) Lexor model.
I bought it last Autumn and am thrilled with the quality of the conversion/ coach build.
Cabinetry and materials ( solid maple), plumbing, 12 volt and 120 volt work is great...gas too.
I spent days in my driveway with manuals and tools- delving deep into the systems there were no corners cuts or hidden sloppy work.
The Pleasure Way people were great with some questions. They realize that supporting a buyer on a used unit, makes easier for the seller to buy a new pleasure way.
Canada uses a square drive Robertson head screw for much electrical and cabinetry. You'll want to get a R0, R1, R2 sized screwdriver to tighten things up over time ( oh are in Ottawa- you know this....well for the next American reader)