I have a 1998 Triple E Regal that needs a replacement holding tank. Does anybody know where I might get one? Because of the age there are apparently no similar sized tanks that will fit. I may end up trying to get one built using the old one for specs.
Here is a tank company https://www.tank-mart.com/rv-marine-tanks/rv-holding-tanks/?mode=grid&p=2&matchtype=b&network=g&device=c&adposition=&keyword=&campaign=1597155550&adgroup=59107899303&keyword=&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIi4HLyZ3p7AIV6v3jBx0EQANQEAAYASAAEgJPLPD_BwE
I would not have a black water tank repaired. the bonding may be effected by the holding tank chemicals.
I once fixed a tank because I thought it would not be available. It turned out I eventyally found one. All of them are. There are many vendors out there. Google and you will see.
What is wrong with yours? Polyethylene tanks can be 'welded', not glued to fix a crack or fitting If so, call around to rv repairmen, auto body shops. I had a gas tank fixed.