Of course the rig could have options driving the price higher.
Also RV prices are dependent on time of year and type of rig.
Right now in the northeast people are shopping for new rigs (to them) for the winter trek down south. IN early January the price on a rig can be much lower as there is no demand for the product.
If you want a real ballsy way of negotiating a price do the following.
This is what I do.
Have a piece of paper with your name, address and phone number on it.
Go to dealer
Look at rig thoroughly.
If it is what you want make a reasonable offer that you can live with. remember the dealer has to feed his family he just doesn't need to feed them Filet
Tell the dealer you are not willing to negotiate, it is a take it or leave it offer. He will not believe you because everyone negotiates up from their first offer. Tell him If he does not accept your offer you will leave.
He will come back and say no. At that point you hand him the paper with your name and number on it and tell him that if he changes his mind this is how you can be reached. You probably will not make it home before you get a call if your offer was reasonable.
Done this 3 times and never had a moments buyers remorse as I paid exactly what I feel is fair. I also had one dealer that never called back.
Traveling with my best friend my wife!