Not necessarily. Happens all the time. Signals can pop in and pop out. Doesn't mean there is anything wrong with the bat wing or your wiring.
We have 2 televisions in our camper, one pulls in signals better than the other. And one may pull in one station where the other television does not. We tried swapping positions of the televisions, same results.
When camping in some locations where there are very limited television stations, its not uncommon for a airplane flying over head, or even a passing car or truck to cause signal loss. Weather is a big factor.
Before ruling anything out on your camper, give it some time, or wait till you settle into a new location.
Besides, IF 2 of 3 televisions are working fine and the 3rd is now not receiving a signal, there's nothing wrong with the bat wing or your wiring, because 2 of 3 televisions are working perfectly fine on your system. Something is wrong the television #3.