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Homeless Cat -- Now Spotacus' Legacy

Nomad II
Nomad II
On 18 Dec, a very large cat showed up at our house. It was late and cold, and he looked in the door and made it clear he wanted inside. Well, since we have two cats already and he was a stranger, we could not let him in the house. WLToo walked out and the cat ran to him, so he walked the cat into the garage and into the climate controlled room out there.

He was extremely hungry and thirsty, but in otherwise good condition and very clean. We fixed up a bed for him, set up the feeding and elimination stations, and went to bed.

Next day, we worked in the garage all day, while the big guy slept or supervised. We found him to be an intact male, no sign he's ever worn a collar, and he has a strong need to be in the general vicinity of humans. For an intact male, he's remarkably mellow - I don't think he was the alpha cat in his previous home.

Have had zero responses to the "found cat" notices around the area and online, so we'll be working with the local rescues to get him neutered and all his shots, then find him a home. We can't keep him because he's just too big for our two cats to share our small house. Alex would have another emotional meltdown, and I don't want to go through that mess again (long, ugly story).

For now, we're calling him Spot, not that he answers to it (does answer to "Kitty, Kitty"). No idea how he travels; we'll find out when we take him to the vet on Tuesday.

If anyone knows of someone who would like a large (about 15-18 pounds) cat who needs to be with people, please let me know. No cat novices, please; this cat needs someone who knows exactly how to handle an adult cat of this size, especially when he's feeling frisky.

We're at Canyon Lake, TX, so if there are any Winter Texans nearby who would like to meet him and maybe give him a home, that would be great.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more
2,054 REPLIES 2,054

Thanks for posting that about "Keyhole" gardening, very interesting reading.

Nomad II
Nomad II
Mama Doe and four fawns strolled up this morning. The extra one is the one we've dubbed Orphan Fawn, whose mother has never really stayed around it much, letting Mama Doe care for it. Mama and last year's fawn came right to us for a tossed carrot, while the others walked on by. Even Orphan is not too spooky around us now, although it and the twins still won't come near. Since the twins are bucks, that's a good thing...

Speaking of bucks, a really nice trophy rack buck is living across the street. He's quite safe here; no hunting--except for the folks who hunt for the shed antlers starting this month. I think he's the buck who eats out of my neighbor's hand, the neighbor who gets jostled by the herd each morning when she feeds them. I worry a bit about her, letting them surround her like that, but apparently she's been doing it for 25 years and hasn't been hurt yet. Still, I'm not letting anyone get within hoof range, no matter how unafraid they become.

Spot and Alex are in their nap modes this morning. It's a little too cool and breezy for them outside.

Time to haul the kitchen scraps out to the "compost" pile. We had white asparagus soup (Spargelsuppe) yesterday, so it will be interesting to see if anyone eats the peels. Next up: papaya and mango.

We're working on our garden design. I'm much in favor of keyhole gardening, which was imported from Africa to Texas recently. If I can convince WLToo that it's the best use of the little water we get, all the kitchen scraps will go into a composting tube right in the middle of each 6' diameter circle. While the critters won't get the scraps anymore, we'll have some right nice, no fuss no bother vegetables and fruit patches to share.

Keyhole gardening

'Course, we'll have to put up a fence, with rosemary bushes at each corner, to keep the deer from ravaging it, but it will be worth it.

Lunch time. Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

Nomad II
Nomad II
Not sure what's going on, but neither cat has stayed outside for more than five minutes today, before really, really wanting back inside. It's fairly warm and breezy, no sign of other critters, but they're both seriously spooked.

Just one of those days, I guess.

We put up the hummingbird feeder after seeing a couple of them passing by, but no sign of any birds taking up residence yet. Well, when they do, we're already ready for them.

While I was gone, WLToo said a couple of barn swallows came by and tested all the existing nests. Guess they went back to report in...

Mama Doe appears to have tossed all the fawns out of our meadow. We only see her and an occasional visiting doe now, while the fawns walk along our fence on the outside. We've had just enough moisture to bring up the meadow grass, so she's not coming up to the house much. That, and the fact that we didn't offer any handouts, may be why no one's around much for us to watch. Sigh.

I see by his head bumping that Alex wants attention. Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

Nomad II
Nomad II
You've described Spot, Sue Bee. He's not at all a lap cat, but he does like to nuzzle, so he'll sit on the table next to me, or the arm of the sofa next to WLToo. If he's really feeling affectionate, he'll plop himself on my chest - all 15 pounds of him. Luckily, that's rare.

Ever since we moved my glider rocker into the living room, he naps there, plays there, and keeps and eye on both of us. Very happy to be in the room and comfy.

Alex, on the other hand, is pure lap (and chest) kitty.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

That is the sweetest picture. It's like he wants to cuddle, and respect your space all at the same time.

Our last cat liked to be by his people, but he wasn't much of a lap cat. If I sat in a chair, he would get next to me, or lay on my feet, like a dog, but it was rare that he would get on a lap. He was super friendly and social, but just wanted to be around his people.

Such a beautiful kitty and a very happy one from the looks of it!

Nomad II
Nomad II
Spot did it again, and WLToo got a photo.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

What a wonderful welcome home Spot gave you!

I hope your Mom is doing well.

Nomad II
Nomad II
I'm back. WLToo told me that Spot spent several days looking for me. When I got home yesterday, he was on his tree, just looking at me. I scratched his head, and a few minutes later, he wound himself around my legs, but didn't seem to be anything but normal.

Alex was happy to see me like always, but as we ate supper, Spot played with Alex just energetically enough to make Alex go to his "don't bother me" bed. So there I was, sitting on my recliner with no Alex on my lap. Spot laid down on the chair side table, put his head on my shoulder, and purred like a diesel. He stayed there for about a half hour, rubbing his head on my shoulder, sticking his nose in my armpit, and patting my chest with one paw.

I'm thinking he was happy I'm home...
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

We'll miss you while you're gone, but I guess you Mom does have priority over us 8^D I hope her surgery goes smoothly and her recovery is quick and uncomplicated.

Wanderlost wrote:
Will be offline for a while. Gotta go take care of Mom, who's having surgery. Her internet connection is really, truly sad.

Spot and Alex will be home with WLToo. I'll interrogate him for some good stories when I get back.

Later, y'all.

You gotta get your own WiFi.. we have Verizon. ๐Ÿ™‚
Mrs. WandaLust. Retired. Middle TN
1999 Fleetwood SouthWind 32'

Nomad II
Nomad II
Will be offline for a while. Gotta go take care of Mom, who's having surgery. Her internet connection is really, truly sad.

Spot and Alex will be home with WLToo. I'll interrogate him for some good stories when I get back.

Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

Nomad II
Nomad II
Back to sunshine, a soft breeze, and 68 degrees. I do love "winter" around here.

Yesterday was interesting. Spot and Alex were outside on patrol, when suddenly the doe and fawn herd stampeded from west to east outside our south fence. Right after that, Spot and Alex came charging back to the house, both tails in full bottle brush mode. Then two bucks came running east to west, jumped our fence, did the Tennessee trotter gait across our drive and down into the rocks, and appeared shortly after on the other side of the north fence.

No idea what got everyone running, but Alex hasn't gone outside since. Spot's been on several patrols and came home undisturbed, so I guess it will remain a mystery.

A seal point long-haired Siamese mix strolled up to our north porch this morning, plainly simply exploring. It's very well fed, even fat, although it sure could disappear quickly the second it heard the door latch release. I think I've seen it on a property downhill. Black kitty from next door still comes by occasionally, but not like it used to -- perhaps he and Spot have finally come to an agreement...

Enough of the inside stuff -- I'm going outside. Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

Nomad II
Nomad II
Thanks, pookiebear. If you haven't already done so, please write reviews for WLToo's books. The more reviews, the better the sales.

Vickie, except for the cat's coloring, that could be an exact photo of Spot or Alex and me. Well, 'cept my hair's not quite so dark anymore -- the chrome part of my Harley hair (black and chrome) is more prominent now.

It rained this morning, just for a little bit, and now the fog is so thick we can barely see the fence line about 800 feet away. I was hoping for more rain, but fog is moist, and every tiny bit of moist is good.

That bit of rain did settle the dust around where the septic pump out guy had to dig. Routine pump out, no issues. He did say that with the size of the septic and only two of us, we'll probably not need another pump out for 10-15 years. Good.

So that's it with all the deferred maintenance we had to do on this old place. Now it's time to get estimates and save up the pennies for the necessary upgrades, like re-wiring all the RV hookups. Only one outlet works, and it's 30 amp, which is just fine for L'Andante, but our RVing relatives and friends have 50 amp. We'd like all three hookups to work, since they're already in place, with dump outs (we tested those, and they're fine).

Spot's asleep in his chair, after his morning patrol and dampening, and Alex is in his "don't bother me" bed. He and Alex were both outside when the rain began. We were watching the rain when we realized Spot was laying in a porch chair and Alex was laying on the porch love seat, seemingly enjoying the moist air. Alex came right back in when we opened the door, but Spot had to walk around the pool deck and get moistened before he came back inside. Then he jumped into his fabric covered chair to clean up. Good thing he's the only one who wants to sit in it for now...

Just heard a funny noise. It's Spot snoring. Great. Alex is the only non-snorer in the house. No wonder he goes to the music room and his "don't bother me" bed -- he needs the extra sleep from where we're all keeping him up with the snoring.

It's either a heavy mist or sprinkling again, so I'm going outside to enjoy it. Later, y'all.
"The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated." -- Mahatma Gandhi

Czarny, black cat
Rainbow Bridge: Spotacus, Alexander the Grrreat, and so very many more

I also love hearing your stories espeially when Spot is laying on your chest. Here is 18 pound Eddy sitting where he loves to sit.

Vickie Wallis
Roseville, CA
2010 Mini Cooper Convertable