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New Pet Rescuer Protection Law in MA


Thank you Gov. Baker.

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be

Douglas Adams

[purple]RV-less for now but our spirits are still on the open road. [/purple]

Explorer III
Explorer III
Yes, there are overzealous people who will deem an animal in distress and use this (and other similar) law to rescue an animal that doesn't need rescuing.

However, I think there are several factors:

1. There is no distinction between the person leaves the dog in the car while they have a few beers in the bar and the person who leaves the dog in the car while they pick up a to-go order or milk & bread, etc. simply because it doesn't matter WHY you left the dog in the car, it only matters HOW LONG you left the dog in the car. If you can pop down 5 beers in 5 minutes, but it takes the other guy 15 minutes to get that to-go order, then which dog is at greater risk of injury?

2. Rather than declaring the law as too vague and a problem, I think we are better put to educating the public (and all those overzealous folks) about how to identify distress and when to take action.

First, if all windows are rolled down, then simply providing the dog(s) with fresh water and keeping them in a confined environment (the car) is safer than opening the door and letting them out. Calling the authorities while you sit outside the car and watch the dog(s) in the car after providing them water is safer than opening the door and letting them out.

Second, letting a dog out of a car, even if it appears too dehrydrated/thirsty/heat poisoned to do anything, is risky. That dog could very easily get scared by you, by the noises of the street, by passerby, by other cars, or simply by being loose. If scared, that dog can rush into traffic. Or the dog may have issues and become aggressive or fearful and bite you or someone else. If you open that car door, YOU take the responsibility of that animal into YOUR hands - be sure you have a well-thought out plan first. Don't save the dog from death in a car to death by a car or worse.

Third, have you tried to locate the owner? Have you called the authorities? Have you made any attempt to resolve the issue without putting the dog in danger? Have you made a thorough check of the vehicle to make sure the dog is potentially in danger (e.g., is the engine running, is the A/C running inside, is there water in the vehicle for the dog, are the windows rolled partially down, etc.)? Make sure your actions are truly for the benefit of the dog and not just a "good Samaritan feeling" for you (yes, animal rescuers, charity workers, social workers, etc., can and do mistake one for the other).

By understanding the true risks of "rescuing" the dog, THEN and ONLY THEN can you make the right decision and use this type of law to help the dog.

As an animal rescuer, I have had many many many people rush up to me and tell me that I MUST rescue that animal over there. Whether it's a loose dog, a dog in a car, a cat with kitten, etc. I have learned to educate those people about the responsibilities of rescuing - it's not enough to just "get that dog so it doesn't get hit by a car", you have to have a plan for AFTER THAT - where will the dog go? who will care for it? how will they pay for it? It's the same here - it's not enough to just "get the dog out of the car", you have to have a plan as to how to protect that dog once it is out of the car.
1975 American Clipper RV with Dodge 360 (photo in profile)
1998 American Clipper Fold n Roll Folding Trailer
Both born in Morgan Hill, CA to Irv Perch (Daddy of the Aristocrat trailers)

Explorer II
Explorer II
I too can see a downside to this - just the other day, I had let Jimmy and Ben run like crazy dogs behind work; then we got into the car, and on the way home, stopped so I could pick up bread and milk at our small grocery about a block from work. It was in the upper 70's, my car is silver; and I had all 4 windows down about 6". It still crossed my mind that someone could think my dogs were "in distress" because they were panting, and let them out (clearly they could reach inside and unlock the door) - so I parked away from the other cars. But I might have been breaking a Michigan Animal Protection law: Michigan Law Makes Pet Endangerment a Felony

This law has no distinction between the people who leave a dog in a hot car while they have a few beers at a bar; or the person who runs into a restaurant to pick up a to-go order.

I think we all know that all of us here would never endanger our beloved pets; yet surely we DO put them briefly where they might be construed to be in danger by the overly zealous. People can't see that your fantastic fan is running on your RV, for example? It will be interesting to see how these laws play out.
Ed, Deb, and 2 dogs
Looking for a small Class C!

There is a major problem with this law or how it is written. It dose not lay out what extreme is. It needs to list temps above ??? degrees or temps ??? below degrees.

Disagree. The law is written with some leeway on purpose. A car in the sun vs. a car in the shade may heat up at different rates. There are guidelines as to what the rescuer has to do.

but if you a citizen breaks into my car and it is lets say 71 degrees or lets say 35 degrees and try to steal my family member yes my fur baby. Well lets just say EMS will be responding!!!!

Big leap of faith there. They have to wait until EMS gets there-they just can't run off. Pretty sad response for someone who is an animal lover to threaten someone who is acting in their eyes in the best interest of the animal. We're extremely careful about leaving the dogs in the back of the truck but I'd rather an overzealous person break a window than the perceived danger being ignored.

I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I needed to be

Douglas Adams

[purple]RV-less for now but our spirits are still on the open road. [/purple]

starcraft69 wrote:
There is a major problem with this law or how it is written. It dose not lay out what extreme is. It needs to list temps above ??? degrees or temps ??? below degrees. We have the data to support what is dangerous for a animal in a car why not list it in the law. I don't have a problem with the EMS part but if you a citizen breaks into my car and it is lets say 71 degrees or lets say 35 degrees and try to steal my family member yes my fur baby. Well lets just say EMS will be responding!!!! It is the problem with all feel good laws gun laws and environmental laws the are not specific and leave to much open for interpretation.

Even in the low 70's a closed up vehicle can become too hot on the inside for a pet. Pet owners need to educate themselves on the dangers of leaving them in an enclosed vehicle.

Ok I will climb down now
2007 chevy 2500 HD 6.0 longbed
2015 Eagle HT 28.5 5th wheel
tucker the fishing dog

gbopp wrote:
Excellent. It should be a Federal Law.

Yes!!!!! This is the answer let the feds make up all our laws, Why do we need states anyway in the United STATE'S of America??????

Last time i checked the president or the first lady are not my parents! The feds only need to provide national security, and stay out of the States business. We have forgot what the USA was founded on.
2007 chevy 2500 HD 6.0 longbed
2015 Eagle HT 28.5 5th wheel
tucker the fishing dog

A MUCH needed law! Love the addition of the tethering restrictions.

There is a major problem with this law or how it is written. It dose not lay out what extreme is. It needs to list temps above ??? degrees or temps ??? below degrees. We have the data to support what is dangerous for a animal in a car why not list it in the law. I don't have a problem with the EMS part but if you a citizen breaks into my car and it is lets say 71 degrees or lets say 35 degrees and try to steal my family member yes my fur baby. Well lets just say EMS will be responding!!!! It is the problem with all feel good laws gun laws and environmental laws the are not specific and leave to much open for interpretation.
2007 chevy 2500 HD 6.0 longbed
2015 Eagle HT 28.5 5th wheel
tucker the fishing dog

Explorer III
Explorer III
Nicely done. I especially like that the rescuer has to STAY WITH THE ANIMAL until authorities arrive. I have seen people open doors, camper shells, etc., "to give the dog air" and then walk away - leaving the dog unattended in an unsecured vehicle in a parking lot with a busy street(s) nearby... Don't take an animal out of one danger only to leave them in another.
1975 American Clipper RV with Dodge 360 (photo in profile)
1998 American Clipper Fold n Roll Folding Trailer
Both born in Morgan Hill, CA to Irv Perch (Daddy of the Aristocrat trailers)

gbopp wrote:
Excellent. It should be a Federal Law.

X2, for children left in the car too!

Excellent. It should be a Federal Law.

Wow, makes me want to move there!