I've replaced the regulator and pigtails today hoping that was the problem still only get lp to the stove w nice flame . If i hold down water heater pilot button there's no hiss of gas same w heater which operate but blows COLD air i can see the sail switch which is,moving when fan is active so I assume switch is good also pulled heater n blew everything out still no luck also the lp detection unit is plugged in ..any help much appreciate thanks
Ok thanks for the quick response I'm going crazy here the camper wasn't used for good while before i picked it up figured there would be some issues.. the elctrical is fine it's the lp/ gas thats giving me issues just thought it's wierd gas stove works n the heater is before that which ommits no gas smell or sound at all the water heater is on the opposite side I went underneath camper n can see gas lines which is black n tapped off to appliances with copper ..I wonder since not being used moisture/ ice got in the lines seeing it's 16 degrees n possibly froze ..
Very low pressure system... takes a lot of tries to get air evacuated. Keep trying to start things, sometimes takes a dozen start cycles. Doing the farthest from tanks first is usually faster.