Aug-20-2016 07:12 PM
Aug-27-2016 03:26 PM
Lifeline batteries do PERFECT under the hood of a motor vehicle that has a HALF A VOLT HIGHER CHARGE REGULATION and eighty degrees higher temperature than an RV battery undergoes.
My advice is to stop reading amateur's halfass op-ed opinions and start paying attention to reality. Only a very few sources offer truly accurate and trustworthy information about batteries. An AGM like any other battery on planet earth does not like float voltages that are also too high for a standard battery. But unique to the AGM is a dislike to be recharged at too slow a rate. They do not like low and slow solar power recharging.
There are enoigh krap articles out there to fertilize a half million Jack and the beanstock grade gardens.
Aug-27-2016 03:07 PM
AGMs si
¿Cheap? No
A 20 lb lithium battery would be nice. But then I would have to start my own Cartel and wear polyester over Kevlar.
Aug-27-2016 02:18 PM
Aug-27-2016 01:14 PM
Aug-27-2016 12:40 PM
When you stumble across a nest of them, drop-kick one to me 🙂
Aug-27-2016 12:29 PM
Aug-27-2016 11:54 AM
Aug-27-2016 11:32 AM
Aug-27-2016 11:18 AM
The correct charging voltage for a Gel battery is 14.4 to 14.6 volts maximum at 68°F.
Aug-27-2016 11:09 AM
Charge for 1 to 4 hours based on Ah accumulated
in first two stages:
<25% of C20 – 1 hour
25% to 50% of C20 – 2 hours
>50% of C20 – 4 hours
Aug-27-2016 10:42 AM
landyacht318 wrote:
northstar 90 ah agm...Apply 65 amps. 27 minutes later 14.7v attained. Hold absorption voltage for 3 hours.
Aug-27-2016 01:22 AM
Aug-26-2016 09:14 PM
Aug-26-2016 09:08 PM