We have a 2007 Freightliner XCR chassis and are having a problem with the electrical system. The jacks, rear camera and screen and the dash AC have all stopped working. There may be other things too. They became intermittent for a day the quit all of the way. What they all have in common is that they all work when the key is in the run position. None of them have any power to them in any position now.
I am suspecting the ignition switch but would like to know what the various wires on the back of the switch do so that I can test it without risking shorting something important.
The engine starts and runs fine. Does anyone have this info? Freightliner has revised their policy for supplying information so it may take a while to get it from them. We need to register our RV with them and need a dealer number which we cannot find.
Just think of it as a boat except that it is the top that needs to be waterproof.