Feb-03-2016 07:17 AM
Feb-03-2016 02:32 PM
Feb-03-2016 01:47 PM
Quality Johnson wrote:gmw photos wrote:Ron-C wrote:gmw photos wrote:
regarding real world aero effects on fuel mileage. ... Rounded front end, rounded corners similar to an Airstream design ( except the back, which is square ). Approx same weight as the camper. I get approx 1.5 mpg more pulling the horse trailer with same truck, same speeds.
I suspect that the back shape has more influence on the drag force than the front although everyone seems to focus on making the front nice and round. Your TV has already punched the hole. It is more likely the back creating suction with the wall behind you.
Ever see an airplane or fish with a flat tail section?
Ron, I suspect you are very much correct on the comment about the flat back of my horse trailer. That's why I mentioned it in my post, because for instance, comparing it to an Airstream, the rest of the horse trailer is similar. The A/S has the advantage of both the trailing roof and side walls being rounded.
Reduced frontal area and a nice long tapering tail would of course be ideal from and aero standpoint. Looking at pictures of the Concorde is a perfect example of optimum shape ( for aero ).
The shape of the Concorde is intended for supersonic flight. You will find that subsonic and supersonic aerodynamics are quite different.
Feb-03-2016 01:40 PM
Ron-C wrote:
Another pet peeve is regarding the height of the unit. I find that some sit so high on the frame that they are sticking way above the TV. Not only do they look outright silly but that must move the center of gravity up considerably. Every square inch exposed above the TV increases frontal area and drag force. The big gap underneath probably doesn't help airflow either (pure speculation).
Feb-03-2016 11:35 AM
DutchmenSport wrote:
If they moved the air conditioner, where would they put it? To remove it off the roof mean either hanging from a wall or reset in the roof (which means the unit is actually inside the camper, maybe boxed in with a decorative cabinet, still, it would be a head bumper!
Under the trailer? Inside a jack knife sofa like some furnaces are installed. Then you have all the noise of the air conditioner actually inside the "box".
However, with today's technology and creativity, I WOULD think someone could design a more sleek shaped air conditioner, even if it had to sit on the roof.
Feb-03-2016 11:30 AM
Feb-03-2016 10:37 AM
gmw photos wrote:Ron-C wrote:gmw photos wrote:
regarding real world aero effects on fuel mileage. ... Rounded front end, rounded corners similar to an Airstream design ( except the back, which is square ). Approx same weight as the camper. I get approx 1.5 mpg more pulling the horse trailer with same truck, same speeds.
I suspect that the back shape has more influence on the drag force than the front although everyone seems to focus on making the front nice and round. Your TV has already punched the hole. It is more likely the back creating suction with the wall behind you.
Ever see an airplane or fish with a flat tail section?
Ron, I suspect you are very much correct on the comment about the flat back of my horse trailer. That's why I mentioned it in my post, because for instance, comparing it to an Airstream, the rest of the horse trailer is similar. The A/S has the advantage of both the trailing roof and side walls being rounded.
Reduced frontal area and a nice long tapering tail would of course be ideal from and aero standpoint. Looking at pictures of the Concorde is a perfect example of optimum shape ( for aero ).
Feb-03-2016 10:30 AM
Feb-03-2016 10:05 AM
path1 wrote:
This old posting might help you...
Feb-03-2016 09:54 AM
beemerphile1 wrote:
One (of the many) things that annoy me about the RV industry is the way they ignore basics of aerodynamics ...
Feb-03-2016 09:24 AM
Feb-03-2016 09:23 AM
Old-Biscuit wrote:
Towing my 13"4" high 34' long 14K 5vr I get 11 mpg---22K combined weight
Now how are you going to improve on that and still give me all the room/space/storage etc that I currently have?
Feb-03-2016 09:07 AM
Feb-03-2016 09:01 AM
Feb-03-2016 08:51 AM
Feb-03-2016 08:47 AM
downtheroad wrote:
Same old discussion....fuel mileage.
While good fuel mileage is a good thing, anyone who worries about it and makes it a prime concern - should not be RV'ing.