So I was hooking up my TT to my tow vehicle this morning and my foot slipped to being half on brake and half on gas....causing the tow vehicle to move backwards more than planned and hitch came in contact with steel tube for the jack. The tube is dented but remains flush on all sides (except where dent it). Happened to be near our dealer and they said as long as the unit moves up and down the tube I am ok, but if I notice that it starts to get hung up I would need replace. Sounded like what I was thinking anyway but thought I would ask group for a "second opinion"?
I gave my power jack a good wack several years ago, the tube was bent. I beat the heck out of it with a sledge and straightened it a bit. Probably five years later and I'm still using it with the bend.
It still goes up and down fine so there must be large tolerances in the mechanism.
Grease or oil the tube and keep an eye on it. It will probably be fine. Almost all of us get a lesson about vehicle operation like you did. That is just a small lesson.
I had a Barker jack and we did not raise it entirely once and came out of a parking lot and hit the cement and the foot bent back about two inches. when we got to camp we hooked up a chain to the footing and yanked on it with truck a few times. we bent it back almost perfect but we used that jack for another 15 years.
I would say what the dealer said... ..."as the unit moves up and down the tube you are ok, but if you notice that it starts to get hung up you would need replace."