Hi... I have a crack in my skylight that has been patched a couple of times prior to me owning it. It still has a slow leak and drips into the tub. I would like to attempt to replace it myself.. because I'm pretty handy and don't want to spend $160 for someone else to do it. I have watched a few videos and one made it look real easy.. lol
When I pealed off one side of the sealant on the skylight it looks different than the ones I'm seeing in the videos and pictures of a replacement skylights. Mine has a rolled over lip for an edge.. opposed to just laying flat.
My questions are... do I want the same kind with a rolled edge? And... how much of the build up do I need to get up? When I try to lift it off.. it seems to lift what little layer of rubber roof is there when I do...
Lol... this isn't even the side that has the leak! 🙂 That's what I pealed away...
So.. Get as much of the build up on the roof around the edge of skylight as I can? Getting as level to roof as I can?
Get the exact same skylight with a rolled edge? I don't see any markings.. name or numbers on it.
I was looking at this one.. http://www.amazon.com/ICON-RV-Skylight-SL1422W-White/dp/B009S7I96I/ref=sr_1_1?&ie=UTF8&qid=1438283905&sr=8-1&keywords=skylight+camper
Figure one which brand you have. Buy a new lid. Takes maybe 10 minutes to swap. If your going the whole enchalda then buy a dosen stainless steel screws and a tube of Dicor, and a plastic putty knife. Takes maybe an hour.