My TC, a Travel Lite popup 770P, has an electric roof with four independent actuators, I bought it used and it did not come with the manual over-ride tool (some kind of flex drill attachment) which was originally included with the camper. So far, everything works well without any glitch, but I am always a bit worried that one or more of the actuators will eventually fail in the middle of nowhere, to the point where when I am alone, I won't even raise the roof, because AFAIK there is no way to lift the roof without that special tool. I've been looking for it for some time, unsuccessfully, the camper manufacturer have discontinued their popup line several years ago and they could not even tell me who had made their lift system. A fellow member of this forum sent me a link to the usuer manual for Reico-Titan's lift system, and from the photos in the manual, my lift actuators look identical to Reico-Titan's. I ordered the tool yesterday ($7 plus shipping), and hopefully it will be the correct one for my camper. If you ever get a camper with an electric roof, make sure it comes with that tool and keep it taped in a very visible spot in the camper.