I'm getting ready to swap out my center console for a jump seat to accomodate all six of us for our road trip. I already have a jump seat from a 2018 to 2020 Super Duty truck. I purchased
this seat. The seat arrived and it looks like it is supposed to have a shoulder harness judging by the belt configuration and amount of extra belt I have. However, I'm not sure how this is supposed to work with the seat. There is no guide to keep the shoulder belt in place near the head rest. Looking at various photos on the web, I see that Jump Seats from 2012 to 2017 appear to have a shoulder harness integrated into the seat itself, like
From what I gather, Ford moved away from the integrated seat belt to a new style but I can't find any pictures showing how it is supposed to be installed. If you have a Super Duty with the JumpSeat and don't mind sharing photos of how the shoulder harness works like the seat I have, I would greatly appreciate it.
1999 F350 Dually with 7.3 Diesel
2000 Bigfoot 10.6 Camper