since ‎Feb-20-2013

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Clicky$35 rounded up. 1500 continuous, 3k peak. 50 hz -/+ 3 so limited use in the US. At least it's cheap though.
So i was on another solar focused forum and found this topic on battery charging using solar.clickyThe logic in the post seems to make sense but i'm just curious what others think.Edit: forgot to make it a clicky, sorry about that.
ReferenceI'd like to take the suv out for a 2 day excursion. In the link above it says I can camp anywhere as long as it's 150 feet away but I see nothing in reference to driving an SUV to the camping spot. Anyone have ideas if I can drive back to th...
Right to the point: should I upgrade to a bigger panel or to an mppt controller?More info for those that take the time to read:I have a 100 watt, 21 ish volt panel and a pwm controller right now. I'd like to get a 345 watt, 39ish volt panel and mppt...
I was sitting here thinking, cause that's what i do, and have tried to do a search however it seems i'm not asking the right question.Is there something that does the opposite of an inverter-charger? Instead of prioritizing shore power to battery, i'...