We use a book called the Exit Book. It lists all Interstate hwy's and the facilities at each exit. Includes size and type of petro stations , food, lodging and other outlets at each exit. The exits are listed by number and the book is super easy to u...
Check-out Sanidumps.com. It has a full directory of dumpsites including recently opened and closed sites. It is user driven but managed by the site owners. A great useful site. Good Luck
Honeywell makes an excellent portable heater. Short, compact, oscillating fan, temp variable with a high and low heat settings and an auto shut off. Can be found at Home Depots and if I recall correctly meets your price criteria. Also has a 3-year li...
As with most others we do not unhook unless the sites are very, very un-level. (This occurs infrequently) We do drop the front jacks for stabilization only and do hook up to shore power. With our RV unit we need to put one slide out to access the bed...