since ‎Apr-13-2017

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I just had my 12 ft slide floor replaced due to water damage and it was pretty expensive. Does anyone have any suggestions on how to waterproof the new floor? inside especially which means no flexseal type products which arent healthy for indoor use....
Hi friends I live in my Coleman lantern 32 ft full time and need a storage shed to go with it. Something big enough to put a freezer in. I may move to a different state in about 6 months so it needs to be easily disassembled. I tried a large fabric o...
The high was 100 yesterday and the south facing wall and the ceiling of my Coleman TT felt like a space heater. Does anybody have any suggestions for non-fiberglass insulation that I could use in the interior? I tried reflectix bit it doesnt seem to ...
I live full time in a park and several of the dogs contracted Parvo (CPV) recently. It is a very dangerous disease for the animals, though humans can't catch that particular kind. Bleach is the only thing that kills it, and I'm sure I must have track...
It seems I have to choose at any given time between watching OTA TV from my roof antenna or having internet due to both running to a single inside coax connector with a toggle in the entertainment console in my 2017 Coleman Lantern TT. I live in this...