since ‎Jun-24-2006

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There is no way around it, camper slide-outs compromise structural integrity.Being said,I offer two factors that can attribute to stress cracks on slide opening corners.First possible is, over-tightened rear turnbuckles(tork-lift,etc.). Second, My ex...
Have you noticed LANCE kind of skirts the issue of R-factor in their campers? Do you own a LANCE camper? Wood frame /aluminum skin,pre -2005 filon skin and Lancelock 2006 and later laminated walls are less than 3/4 of an inch thick.Vacuum bonded wall...
My qualifications for this post is that I have been refurbishing truck campers for 16 years,as extra income. 60 plus campers ,an estimate. These are some observations, given in modesty. Camper Construction: Front wall under sleeper is the most import...
Looking at truck Jack's as upgraded.