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A very old stray {The Old Fella Story}

Explorer II
Explorer II
Went camping this weekend at a campground on the lake, had not been there for a few years. Once there I began to walk around looking at the different sites when I noticed a very old dog. He just lay there until I got too close then he got up on three legs and hobbled away. Just judging I would say he is at least 11 years old. Well back to my story. The next afternoon he wanders into camp and just sits there looking. He looked so sad, so the wife got a bowl of our dog's food and put it down for him and he came over and ate. He then walked over to our dog and the two of them sniffed each other over and then they lay down together for the rest of the afternoon. That night he disappeared.
The next morning he was back and was a little more receptive of me. I looked at his injured leg and found that half of his rear foot was gone. It had healed and was not causing any problem except that he was walking on the stub that was left with no foot pad which causes him to limp. His front teeth were gone except for one canine tooth and it looked decayed. His eyes were tired looking and showing his age. He spent the rest of the day just laying around looking for a handout and by afternoon the campground host came around and saw him. I enquired about the dog and was told he had been there for three years and that most of the campers were tolerant of him and gave him food.
So what to do? Do you pick him up and bring him home or do you let nature take it course. He can't harm anyone, he has no teeth and he isn't a nuisance unless you don't like dogs, and no one seems to mind him being there. He is gentle and likes other animals as seen by his interaction with our dog. He still would not let me touch him but he would eat from my hand. Enough said, what would you do???

On June 28th 2008 Old Fella passed away of complications caused by bone cancer. Fella spent almost three years with his new family and became the icon of rescued old stray dogs. He will be greatly missed but his foot prints have been left in our hearts forever.

Now Charlie, the ten year old rescued Golden Lab has come to be a part of the continuing Old Fella story. (*Note, Charlie took his journey to Rainbow Bridge unexpectedly September 30, 2008)Suzie continues to charm her way into our hearts with her antics as she has grown from a puppy into a young lady. Togther they will carry on the Old Fella legacy. Come join us in their daily lives and be a part of the best feel good thread in RV.NET history. The legacy lives on.

HIghways Article Puppy Love

Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue
2016 Ford F250 King Ranch Crew Cab 6.7 Power Stroke
2015 Montana Model 3611 with 4400 Pullrite Hitch.

Wife Sue
Pets: Rainbow Bridge: Bart, Old Fella, Levi, Charlie, Mama, Hobo, Izzie, Peaches. Others Suzie, Dixie.

Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue
32,302 REPLIES 32,302

My Newspaper column about Old Fella....


The old dog looked as if he were on his last legs. He was hanging around a campground and, Rich Daniels, who was there with his wife for the Labor Day weekend, felt sorry for him. Rich reached out to give the old, gray-muzzled dog a pat, but the dog shied away, obviously distrustful of the friendly overture. โ€œCome on, boy. Donโ€™t be afraid,โ€ Rich talked softly to him. But the dog, although he seemed interested, wouldnโ€™t let anyone get too close.

For the next couple of days Rich tossed him food scraps, which he instantly gobbled down, but no amount of sweet talk could convince the mutt to let his new benefactor touch him. This animal had seen hard times. He was skinny with patchy hair loss around his face and ears and some of his front teeth were missing. He had a noticeable limp and eventually, Rich realized part of one foot was gone. It appeared he had suffered an injury at some point, but the wound was healed and the limp seemed to be the result of his missing toes, rather than pain.

The thing that bothered Rich most of all was the haunting look in the old dogโ€™s eyes. Eyes, which he would later say, โ€œhad seen way too much.โ€ As Labor Day drew to a close, Rich and his wife, Sue, packed their RV and after giving him one last meal, bade the old dog farewell.

But for some inexplicable reason, Rich just couldnโ€™t get the plight of the dog out of his mind. โ€œI kept seeing those soulful eyes, and wondering how he was doing. I wanted to help him, but the idea seemed crazy. He wouldnโ€™t let me touch him, so going back and trying to catch him and bring him home seemed ludicrous. Still, I couldnโ€™t seem to forget him.โ€

Rich and Sue have had a recreational vehicle (RV) for years and are longtime members of an internet site called RV.Net, where folks share stories and information about campgrounds and trips they have taken throughout the country. Within this internet community is a sub-group of pet owners who exchange information and stories about traveling and living with their animals.

Although, Rich and Sue have a dog and cat, neither of them had ever posted remarks in the โ€œPet Healthโ€ section of the RV site. The Tuesday after Labor Day, Rich decided maybe some of the RV pet owners could give him advice about the old dog. โ€œI couldnโ€™t believe it, but I was actually considering going back and trying to catch him. Maybe I was hoping these people would try to talk me out of such a dumb idea.โ€

His questions elicited lots of advice, all right, but not the kind he expected. This is an animal loving group and not one response suggested he forget about this dog that was so obviously in dire need. โ€œDo anything you can to help him,โ€ was the general gist of every single reply, with lots of creative ideas about how to catch him.

So, armed with tasty goodies, a dog crate and good intentions, Rich, unbeknownst to his wife, made the sixty-mile drive back to the campground. He quickly located the old dog, but no amount of baiting, cajoling or pleading could convince him to enter the crate. Rich left the food and drove back home, defeated and depressed.

โ€œDonโ€™t give up!โ€ his new friends on the internet, urged. More advice, more encouragement. Rich found himself vowing, whatever it took, by God, he was going to help that darn dog. โ€œThatโ€™s the spirit!โ€ the internet gang chorused.

Rich called his vet. Maybe he could slip the dog a tranquilizer. โ€œNot a bad idea,โ€ replied the vet. Then the doctor added, โ€œLook, Rich. If you do get him, bring him here. He probably needs lots of medical attention. Iโ€™ll give you a deal โ€ฆ maybe only charge you for the drugs. Weโ€™ll work it out. Iโ€™d really like to see the old dog get some help.โ€

โ€œMy wifeโ€™s gonna kill me when she finds out about this. Who knows what this dog is like. Our dog would probably be okay with a new roommate, but Sueโ€™s cat is her special baby and she would never want to risk his safety for this old stray.โ€

โ€œWell, Rich,โ€ the doc replied, โ€œif we can get him healthy, we might be able to find someone to adopt him. Itโ€™s worth a shot, donโ€™t you think?โ€

โ€œGo, Rich!โ€ the internet community responded. And go, he did. After the third trip, he finally confessed to Sue. โ€œIโ€™ve been sneaking back to the campground, trying to catch the dog.โ€

โ€œItโ€™s okay, Honey. Oh Lordy. Think weโ€™re both getting senile in our old age?โ€

โ€œI donโ€™t know,โ€ he replied. I know it sounds nuts, but I made a promise to the old boy, and Iโ€™ve got to try.โ€


Many of my columns are about the cruel things people do to animals. So often I find myself writing about human selfishness and neglect. However, this story is about human heroes. Rich managed to capture the dog and took him to the vet. He was a mess; about ten years old, malnourished, positive for heartworms, a fungal infection in his eyes, hundreds of fleas and a benign tumor that had to be removed. Even with the vet doing much of the needed care for free, the bill would be enormous.

Rich reported the distressing news to his new friends on the internet. Immediately, he began getting offers to help with expenses. โ€œWhere can I send a donation?โ€ was the message repeated time and time again. With his vetโ€™s blessing, Rich provided the clinic name and address to the group. Within days, checks began to arrive. People sent checks from California, Ohio, Georgia, (Richโ€™s home state) Hawaii and many other places. There was even one from Canada. The donations covered the entire bill with a little left over for future medical care the vet says the dog will need.

โ€œHave you named him?โ€ Rich was asked. โ€œCan you post a picture?โ€

He took pictures and began giving daily reports on the dogโ€™s progress. โ€œI just started calling him Old Fella,โ€ he told them. โ€œI guess, for now, thatโ€™s his name. When I find him a real home, maybe his new owners will want to change it.โ€

The old dog thrived and his story spread. Rich began hearing from folks who knew some of his history. A rancher whose land abuts the campground told him the dog had been hanging around for about five years. โ€œWeโ€™ve left food out for him, but weโ€™ve never been able to catch him,โ€ the rancher related. โ€œWe figure he was at the campground with his family and got loose, then got his foot caught in a leg-hold trap. He probably chewed part of his foot off to get free, but by then the folks who owned him had left. He never stopped going to the campground โ€ฆ waiting for them to come back, I guess.โ€

Rich visited Old Fella at the clinic every day and the old dog soon lost his fear of humans. Rich and the clinic staff were accepted as friends and the dog proved to be well-mannered, and surprise, surprise โ€ฆ housebroken.

Enough suspense. Time for the โ€œicing-on-the-cakeโ€ ending. Rich and Sue took Old Fella home over a week ago, and despite Izzie the catโ€™s first reservations, the two are becoming pals. Levi, the family dog, didnโ€™t hesitate to give Old Fella a hearty greeting and they became instant buddies.

As for Rich and Sue, they are no longer looking for a home for Old Fella. โ€œWeโ€™ve promised him heโ€™ll always have a kind and loving home with us,โ€ says Rich.

โ€œHurray!โ€ their internet pals have written. Old Fella just wags his tail as he settles into his forever home.

Explorer II
Explorer II
Old Fella just got a gift in the mail, some red booties. I put one on his club foot and he looks so handsome. The bootie gives him character, you know, like a black patch over one eye, or the peg leg on a pirate. Makes you think "yep, he has been through a lot and still survived, must be a tough old boy." He is still doing great and learning more everyday on being sociable. Thank you once again for your show of kindness for Old Fella, he has gained a lot of friends that he wants to meet very much.
2016 Ford F250 King Ranch Crew Cab 6.7 Power Stroke
2015 Montana Model 3611 with 4400 Pullrite Hitch.

Wife Sue
Pets: Rainbow Bridge: Bart, Old Fella, Levi, Charlie, Mama, Hobo, Izzie, Peaches. Others Suzie, Dixie.

Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue

Dixie Flyer
I just read this entire thread and want to thank you for all you have done for Ol Fella and for sharing with all of us.The GOod Lord does work in amazing ways, and hopefully many of us will be inspired to help another of His critters that have been neglected by thoughtless humans

You have a great way of writing, perhaps you could write a childrens book.......Who knows, what your act of kindness could lead to.They say, everything happens for a reason........

I shall look forward to hearing more about O F and his adventures with you.....
Elizabeth and Henry..... rescues

Crickett, Beau, Lady, Dixie, Batman, Penny, Bonnie Colleen, SouiX C, George, Willie, Pierre, Shandi. Honey, Patches ,Gumby...WAITING at the Rainbow Bridge

Explorer II
Explorer II
All I can say after following this thread is... "Bless" all of those involved in "Old Fella's" recovery. As a matter of fact, lets "Bless" everyone who loves their pets as it appears everyone here does. Im amased at the out pouring of Love shown here. Im a grown man, but I too had to stop the tears from falling down my face. What a story and Great ending and such a wonderful Doggie!! I think a Branson trip next summer sounds excellent....and what better place to be than amoung others who love their pets as much as I love mine.
96 Vogue Prima Vista
The Kid's: Humphrie, the Mini Schnauzer and Georgie,wire haired dachshund.
Rainbow Bridge: Laddie,Scoutie,Katie,Cooper,Kodie,Rubie,Maggie, Cassie, Mollie, Elvis, Potter and Rosie Love You! (40+ years in all)

I am so happy for you and for him. He has found his place. He was destined to be yours and he'll love you til the end of his days. You can see it in his eyes. Thanks for being the person that you are.

Explorer II
Explorer II
Old Fellow spent his first night out of his kennel cage. He did very well and we got plenty of sleep without waking to his barking in the wee hours of the morning. He came to the kitchen with the other furries and sat and watched while prepared breakfast, wagging his tail. Just to see him wag his tail is such joy for me, It is hard for me to put into words what I feel when I see his expressions of joy. Just a few weeks ago he had those haunting eyes with patches of skin showing through where there should have been hair growing. I noticed this morning that the patches around the eyes have cleared up and he has such a happy face and sparkling eyes.

Susanne's article is out today and she said she would post it to the thread. I hope everyone likes what she wrote, I am counting on it being a great article. One of the ladies of the forum wrote that she is going to make a bandanna for Old Fella with his name on it for the rally. He is going to look so nice for all of his lady furry friends. Right now life just couldn't get any better, just ask Old Fella, he will tell you the same thing.
2016 Ford F250 King Ranch Crew Cab 6.7 Power Stroke
2015 Montana Model 3611 with 4400 Pullrite Hitch.

Wife Sue
Pets: Rainbow Bridge: Bart, Old Fella, Levi, Charlie, Mama, Hobo, Izzie, Peaches. Others Suzie, Dixie.

Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue

MS2 what a pretty girl!

Another sleepless night so I thought I would take the opportunity to read this thread in its entirety. Wow, I can't believe that I read 615 posts at once! I went through a roller coaster of emotions, stopping myself from reading ahead, like a good book. Glad I had a box of tissue handy. I couldn't help myself from looking down and checking on our girl. Bending over and petting her. I couldn't imagine her having to live a life as Old Fella.

It's absolutely wonderful what you did for him. I'm sure you will have a very special relationship. I'm so very glad to hear that it turned into a fairytale ending. ๐Ÿ™‚ What great people there are on this forum.

Although Old Fella is quite dapper I'm afraid our girl Tessa (Great Pyr)has her eye on Chaos. :E

He's only a 24hr drive from here, so she tells me.

On Edit: Sorry about pic size, I used tinypic but alas:(

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WOW thats all I can say.............. Clap Clap Clap

I don't know how to show a standing ovation but if I could I would....
2004 Meridian towing 96 Tracker
If you don't stand behind our TROOPS feel free to stand in front of them during a fire fight

In God We Trust ALL Others pay CASH

P.S. to the Puppy Size story...

This is a copyedited story and we have permission from the author to use it...If you pass it on please give the author the credit he is due...
"Wheresoever you go, go with all your heart."
Live life as a gift you unwrap daily

Poky the Dog...and Ally the Dog.. Both rescued dogs.
OUR RIG.. 1988 34' Bounder...
Rincon Beach, Ventura Calif
1 Romantic Wedding

My Space Page

needsomefun . Well anyway that Heidi sure is hot, but Happy's got a boat!"[/quote wrote:

Hi, What kind of dogs do you have? Are they Groens, or Groen crosses?


Explorer II
Explorer II
Paolo's pack wrote:

Just wanted you to know that I have been rooting for you to get Old Fellow/Fella from day one, but could not bring myself to post until now. This has been an emotionally trying time for pet lovers. I want to convey my gratitude to rescuers like yourself and your kindred spirits in Louisiana. You make us believe there is hope for humanity after all.


Thank you for your kind words
2016 Ford F250 King Ranch Crew Cab 6.7 Power Stroke
2015 Montana Model 3611 with 4400 Pullrite Hitch.

Wife Sue
Pets: Rainbow Bridge: Bart, Old Fella, Levi, Charlie, Mama, Hobo, Izzie, Peaches. Others Suzie, Dixie.

Old Fella Burke County Animal Rescue


Just wanted you to know that I have been rooting for you to get Old Fellow/Fella from day one, but could not bring myself to post until now. This has been an emotionally trying time for pet lovers. I want to convey my gratitude to rescuers like yourself and your kindred spirits in Louisiana. You make us believe there is hope for humanity after all.

Spirit of Paolo
1985 Dodge Ram Custom 250 conversion