The figures given by the ONU and INEJI are as follows:
Central America__1958338
Asia and Africa__500 thousand
According to this site there are 104 million Mexicans and 13 million foreigners
I do know that there are a lot of Canadians and Gringos that work and live in Mexico, they some times tend not stick out as a sore thumb for security reasons, I had an uncle that ran the Singer sewing factory in Qureretaro many moons ago, there was a substantial gringo population then, my sister worked for Price Water House in Mexico City that did the accounting for the big foreign corporations, Ford, Proector & Gamble, 3M, Nabisco, Chevrolet, Kimberly Clark, to name a few.
Maybe this figures are close to the correct x-pats living in Mexico, I know that the there is an American school in Mexico City, I spent a 4th of July there, there is a German school, my wife attended before being sent to Germany to finish school, there is an American University in Cholula, Puebla and these schools are recognized in the U.S.A. and Germany.
There might be some truth to this numbers after all NAFTA is here!
I leave you all to ponder this over a good Corona.