Mar-14-2022 01:32 PM
Mar-16-2022 03:43 PM
Cummins12V98 wrote:
"Trapped" seems to be a of of an exaggeration. Truckers pull forward when they are done fueling THEN go inside to finish up.
Mar-16-2022 03:37 PM
buc1980 wrote:
I don't know why people go to fuel at the truck stop they more expensive than regular gas station.
Mar-16-2022 02:44 PM
buc1980 wrote:
I don't know why people go to fuel at the truck stop they more expensive than regular gas station.
Mar-16-2022 11:06 AM
minnow wrote:
Being trapped in the big rig fueling lanes is what caused me to install a auxiliary fuel tank so that I never need to stop while towing the fifth wheel. After we arrive at our destination, I'll unhook and go and get fuel out in front with the rest of the passenger vehicles. And that's where the pay at the pump works too.
Sitting out in the back in a line with the "real" truckers waiting on them to finish shopping, eating, watching a movie in the lounge or taking a shower was more than enough motivation to install the aux. tank. It no longer takes 45 minutes to get fuel.
Mar-16-2022 11:05 AM
Mar-16-2022 11:02 AM
BurbMan wrote:Cummins12V98 wrote:
When you are 67’ overall double towing the truck stops are your only safe choice. Do as I suggested if a passenger is with. If not deal with if needed.
We were 56' when we had the TT and Suburban, and always had to use the "car" lanes to buy gas because the truck lanes were diesel only. We had backing out of a gas station and onto a main road down to a science, because all the stations now have the pumps perpendicular to the mini-mart so you can't pull around.
I installed a set of bright halogen driving lights on the back of the TT that were wired to a relay triggered by the reverse lead in the 7-pin connector. Originally designed for backing into campsites after dark, also worked well to alert drivers that I was backing out onto a main road.
Glad to have a diesel truck now so we can fuel in the truck lanes.
Mar-16-2022 10:14 AM
Mar-16-2022 09:52 AM
Cummins12V98 wrote:
When you are 67’ overall double towing the truck stops are your only safe choice. Do as I suggested if a passenger is with. If not deal with if needed.
Mar-16-2022 08:52 AM
MarkTwain wrote:
Paying for fuel----
I agree, having to go inside to the store to get the pump turned on and then having to go back to pay is a pain in the rear end:) Not my choice.
Mar-16-2022 08:49 AM
BurbMan wrote:Cummins12V98 wrote:
Forget the darn card and use your Costco Visa or something that gives you good points on fuel.
Pull up look at pump number. Send spouse inside and she will tell them the dollar amount not to exceed and your pump number. They will turn on your pump. she will do her thing, women love to shop.
Once you are done call her let it ring twice and hangup, This will let her know to pay. You will pull forward at that time wait for her. If you need DEF have her say so and dollar amount.
Man that is a well-oiled machine....I wish we were that organized!
Mar-15-2022 08:36 PM
Mar-15-2022 04:44 PM
Mar-15-2022 03:28 PM
Cummins12V98 wrote:
Forget the darn card and use your Costco Visa or something that gives you good points on fuel.
Pull up look at pump number. Send spouse inside and she will tell them the dollar amount not to exceed and your pump number. They will turn on your pump. she will do her thing, women love to shop.
Once you are done call her let it ring twice and hangup, This will let her know to pay. You will pull forward at that time wait for her. If you need DEF have her say so and dollar amount.
Mar-15-2022 02:53 PM
Cummins12V98 wrote:
Forget the darn card and use your Costco Visa or something that gives you good points on fuel.
Pull up look at pump number. Send spouse inside and she will tell them the dollar amount not to exceed and your pump number. They will turn on your pump. she will do her thing, women love to shop.
Once you are done call her let it ring twice and hangup, This will let her know to pay. You will pull forward at that time wait for her. If you need DEF have her say so and dollar amount.
Mar-15-2022 02:47 PM