Jun-22-2016 03:12 PM
Jun-22-2016 09:43 PM
Jun-22-2016 09:40 PM
TNrob wrote:
I've heard of frame issues and wonder if there might be an era when they were overbuilt rather than under. When buying used is there a "cutoff" for how old once you get back maybe 5 years? An era when quality is heads and shoulders above other biild eras?
Given due diligence, can one expect a 92 to be better than an 02 or a 12? Of course understanding that old stuff needs maintenance and repairs.
Jun-22-2016 09:36 PM
Jun-22-2016 06:43 PM
Jun-22-2016 05:37 PM
Jun-22-2016 03:57 PM
Jun-22-2016 03:38 PM