TClev wrote:
I would add a picture but don't know how.
First of all welcome!
For help with posting photos please visit the
RV.Net Tutorials and Picture related FAQ's Pictures posted should not exceed 800 pixels width with 640 pixels the recommended width. Please try to abide by the width of 800, we will edit a post if they are too large, but if it becomes to time consuming we will just remove the post completely. Please do not quote with a photo in the quote text. This thread should be used for posting photos, and not "idle chit chat"
New! Easy Photo Upload & Posting Web App! (thanks to Moderator 1492)
A fast and easy way to post a photo in a forum post. Just drag-n-drop a photo, and receive a copy-n-paste image link for your forum post. Uploads directly to servers. Resizes photos to the max recommended by the Open Roads Forum. Includes a thumbnail preview, and also provides an optional link to permanently delete the photo. A shortcut to the web app is available at
Two Wire Fox Terriers; Sarge & Sully
2007 Winnebago Sightseer 35J
2020 Jeep Gladiator Rubicon