It can be a couple of things.
The fresh water fill valve (from shore water) can leak by water (mine does) and cause the pump to cycle.
Also check for a leaking toilet fill valve. If the water is dripping into the toilet, you might not find the bowl full.
I guess you already checked the outside shower, and are not getting puddles under the RV?
If you are at home, and can leave it plugged in and on for say 12 hours, if the tank level is not dropping after say 10 hours, you will pretty much know it must be the shore water to fresh water tank valve leaking by. Changing out mine will be a pain, so I have not done it yet, just turn on the pump as needed.
Good luck!
Money can't buy happiness but somehow it's more comfortable to cry in a
Porsche or Country Coach!
If there's a WILL, I want to be in it!
I havn't been everywhere, but it's on my list. Alkaline