Feb-16-2019 02:30 PM
Feb-19-2019 06:13 AM
c5er wrote:
I did some thermal calcs based on the insulation value walls, ceiling, windows, floors and interior volume. Doesn't include loses to leaks in slides, or heat injected by persons or sun. It require 12800BTU's to cool from 90 to 70... So 15000BTU is pushing the limits - 2 units would definitely be better but not an option on these sized C's.
My understanding is there should be a UVW as delivered stamped on the vehicle which should tel me what it really weighs vs the spec from the brochure. is there a way to tell axle loading empty without going to something like a CAT scale? I don't want to wait until after i buy it to get this data. Its an e450 GVWR 14500, weighs (brochure) 12780lbs leaving 1720 for people cargo, water... GAWRR 9600 smf GAWRF 5000
Feb-18-2019 05:26 PM
Feb-18-2019 11:37 AM
Rick Jay wrote:
Mich F,
For full disclosure, while your OCCC number looks good, from a CAT Scale slip you once posted on a different forum, you only have about 1,800 lbs. capacity on your rear axle. Almost 900 lbs. of your OCCC is unusable unless as rjstractor says, you hang a lot of stuff off the front bumper. (To piggyback onto rjs comments, when you put weight behind the rear axle, it not only adds it's weight to the rear axle, but the rear axle acts as a pivot point and it takes weight OFF of the front axle and transfers it to the rear axle too. Think of a see-saw.) A couple could probably live with that if they're careful about weight. But I think a family would be hard-pressed to keep it within the limits. But it really depends upon your intended use of the rig.
Feb-18-2019 08:56 AM
Feb-18-2019 07:12 AM
c5er wrote:
Ugh, So the CCC is only 1720 lbs for the larger unit compared to 2800lbs for the 2500TS. With a pot shot guess, it seems 3 people, 2dogs , fuels 1/3 tanks in water, gray, black has me just slightly over the weight limit per the spec sheet. Have a good feels for people, fuel, water... But don't have a good feel for weight of food, drinks, camp chairs and all the rest of the stuff needed - does anyone have a good estimate for that stuff? I also suspect that coach options such as the auto level would drag that CCC down further.
Feb-17-2019 04:53 PM
Feb-17-2019 04:21 PM
Feb-17-2019 10:03 AM
Feb-17-2019 09:08 AM
Feb-17-2019 09:07 AM
Feb-17-2019 08:38 AM
whizbang wrote:
+1 on the weight advice. Check your GVWR vs dry weight. Some plus 30 footers have need to nothing payload capacity.
Feb-17-2019 06:35 AM
Feb-17-2019 06:31 AM
Feb-17-2019 06:22 AM