Oct-12-2013 09:15 AM
Oct-12-2013 02:21 PM
Oct-12-2013 01:50 PM
Oct-12-2013 01:33 PM
Oct-12-2013 01:27 PM
Trainer wrote:
Johnny T,
Sorry but not true.
Either zone control thermostat will control the shared pump independent of the other thermostats status. If yours requires both thermostats to call for heat, you have a problem that can be fixed or your manufacturer has done an incorrect install of your thermostats. Placing thermostats in series is not the way to do things.
I do agree that if the fan coil is blowing cool air and the circulating pump is not turning, then there is a electrical connection or the pump itself issue.
Oct-12-2013 01:02 PM
Trainer wrote:
Johnny T,
Sorry but not true.
Either zone control thermostat will control the shared pump independent of the other thermostats status. If yours requires both thermostats to call for heat, you have a problem that can be fixed or your manufacturer has done an incorrect install of your thermostats. Placing thermostats in series is not the way to do things.
I do agree that if the fan coil is blowing cool air and the circulating pump is not turning, then there is a electrical connection or the pump itself issue.
Oct-12-2013 12:52 PM
Oct-12-2013 12:41 PM
Oct-12-2013 12:33 PM
Oct-12-2013 10:32 AM
Oct-12-2013 10:22 AM
Oct-12-2013 10:14 AM
Trainer wrote:
Go to the Aqua Hot heater and open the cover. Each circulation pump has a brass check valve.
The zone that is blowing cool air will have a not very hot pipe coming out of the heater while the zone that is blowing really warm air will have a very hot pipe coming out of the heater.
Using a wrench or mallet, rap the brass check valve below the cooler pipe and feel the pipe to see it it warms up. Bet it will.
If that does not work, post back and we will try something else.
Oct-12-2013 10:02 AM
Oct-12-2013 09:30 AM
Oct-12-2013 09:28 AM