Jul-26-2018 09:30 PM
Aug-05-2018 12:26 PM
MRUSA wrote:Pangaea Ron wrote:
Please don't camp next to us while running your generator all night. We've been exposed to generator exhaust and noise upwind from us which is very unpleasant with our windows open. Many CG's or RV parks do not allow it. What's wrong with ceiling or room fans and open windows.
In Anacortes, WA, nothing. In Florida in August, there’s plenty wrong with it.
Aug-04-2018 06:33 PM
Pangaea Ron wrote:
Please don't camp next to us while running your generator all night. We've been exposed to generator exhaust and noise upwind from us which is very unpleasant with our windows open. Many CG's or RV parks do not allow it. What's wrong with ceiling or room fans and open windows.
Aug-03-2018 10:03 PM
RVER wrote:
Some people just think it is about them and them alone and be damned with quiet hours in a campground or wherever.
Aug-03-2018 05:59 AM
Aug-02-2018 09:21 AM
RVER wrote:
EVEN WALMART has quiet hours for US, they can have trucks coming and going all night but we should abide by quiet hours wherever we are UNLESS it is unhealthy to do so, if it is 90degrees outside then A/C is important esp for elderly etc.IT is not the safest thing to sleep while the genset is running but if you have good CO monitors etc. I hope you wake up.
Some people just think it is about them and them alone and be damned with quiet hours in a campground or wherever.
Aug-02-2018 09:05 AM
RVER wrote:
EVEN WALMART has quiet hours for US, they can have trucks coming and going all night but we should abide by quiet hours wherever we are UNLESS it is unhealthy to do so, if it is 90degrees outside then A/C is important esp for elderly etc.IT is not the safest thing to sleep while the genset is running but if you have good CO monitors etc. I hope you wake up.
Some people just think it is about them and them alone and be damned with quiet hours in a campground or wherever.
Aug-02-2018 08:29 AM
Aug-01-2018 07:09 PM
Pangaea Ron wrote:
What's wrong with ceiling or room fans and open windows.
Aug-01-2018 06:53 PM
the silverback wrote:
Your neighbors will love you!!!!
Aug-01-2018 06:51 PM
Jul-29-2018 08:07 AM
Jul-28-2018 03:28 PM
dotcommer wrote:
We purchased a 2016 Class A Thor Challenger and I was going through the manual and it says to never run the generator while sleeping.
We have carbon monoxide detectors inside the RV, front and back and we will be boondocking on a few of the nights at Flying Jay's truck stops as we drive back to Arizona this week from the east coast.
We had the generator running while driving from Florida to Connecticut as it was hot during the day, and there seem to be no issues with the Generator and already boondocked one night and had the generator running all night. (this was before reading the manual)
Should I be scared to have the generator running while we sleep? As it will be hot in the evening during our trip?
Jul-28-2018 02:58 PM
Jul-28-2018 02:36 PM
RVER wrote:
THEY (THOR) probably knows that they did not vent the generator well and do not want you to use while sleeping since it can enter your rig and you would not know it. I would not do it and why would you? A/C at night? NO just open the windows and put wet face cloths on if need be but running the gen while sleeping is a bad idea for anyone and many places require you to shut them down at 10 pm anyway since they will keep up the whole area.